Educational Technology Faculty and Staff
Educational Technology Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff

Ed.D., Rutgers University,
Teaching and Learning
Dr. Amerman is a Professor in the Department of Educational Technology. She has worked extensively assisting teachers in meeting the needs of all students in numerous NJ districts and received the 2012 NJ Secretary of Higher Education Award for Excellence in Teacher Education. Dr. Amerman served on the State Special Education Advisory Council and continues to work with the NJ Department of Education on a number of initiatives including NJ Tiered Systems of Supports and Universal Design for Learning Supports.
Phone: 201-200-3078

Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania,
Communications Media and Instructional Technology
Dr. Christopher D. Carnahan is the Doctoral Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor in the Educational Technology Department at 小欧视频. Prior to moving to higher education, he served as an administrator for an online K-12 school overseeing professional development, curriculum, and technology integration. His research focuses on the implementation of innovative technologies such as drones, robotics, and virtual learning environments. Dr. Carnahan actively interacts with local K-12 and charter schools through consulting and professional development activities on emerging technologies. He published the first book on drone usage in education: Drones in Education: Let Your Students' Imaginations SOAR.


Ed.D., Teachers College Columbia University,
Instructional Technology and Media
Dr. Shamburg is a Professor and Coordinator of the Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership. He is the author of Student-Powered Podcasting: Teaching for 21st Century Literacy (2009) and Technology and the English Language Arts (2008), He is the recipient of several awards, including a 2013 HP STEMx Catalyst Fellowship and the 2012 NJ Secretary of Higher Education Award for Excellence in Teacher Education. His research interests are new literacies and inclusive education.
Phone: 201-200-3078;

Ed.D., Pepperdine University,
Educational Technology
Dr. Laura Zieger is a Professor and the Chairperson of the Department of Educational Technology. Her research interests currently focus on online learning, social computing applications in education, and transformation of teaching and learning with emerging technologies including robotics, immersive virtual environments, and drones. Dr. Zieger has published and presented widely including a recent co-publication by ISTE, Drones in Education: Let your Students' Imaginations Soar. She is also a consultant for schools and organizations.
Phone: 201-200-3078;