Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership

Doctor of Education
Photo of all cohorts outside Educational Technology Doctorate Program

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The Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership is designed to develop educational technology leaders and innovators for school systems, teacher education programs, and the private and public sectors.  The primary purpose of the Ed.D. program is to develop educational technology leaders whose work is characterized by scholarship, creativity, and innovation.

This is a three-year cohort program where you work alongside leaders in education and our internationally recognized faculty. All Fall and Spring courses are fully online with hybrid summer courses including a one-week on-campus Summer Institute in July.  Students take six credits in fall, six credits in spring, and eight credits in summer for three years.  

All cohorts begin in the Summer. Students will take comprehensive exams during Summer Institute II and present their portfolios and defend their dissertation proposals during Summer Institute III Students focus on their dissertations during their third year of study. 

Video: Introducing the Ed.D. in Educational Technology Leadership

students with zoom frame

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