Recognize, Respond, Refer

A guide to help recognize, respond to and refer distressed students at 小欧视频.


Below are the most common signs of distress students may present.


  • Implying or making a direct threat to harm self or others.
  • Stalking or harassing.
  • Disclosure of thoughts of death, suicide
  • Verbal abuse (e.g., taunting, badgering, intimidation).
  • Unresponsive or altered level of consciousness.


  • Repeated absences and/or decline in quality of performance
  • Conduct that interferes with classroom, group work or activity engagement
  • Frequent utilization of faculty/staff office hours for personal support. Such as being disorganized or repeated requests for extensions.


  • Marked changes in physical appearances.
  • Excessive fatigue, intoxication, hangover, smelling of alcohol, evidence of drug abuse.
  • Behavior out of context or out of character for the individual.


  • Excessive disclosure of personal distress.
  • Panic reactions, irritability or unusual apathy.
  • Feeling hopeless/helpless.
  • Expressions of concern about the student by peers.
  • Concerning interpersonal communication style (e.g., withdrawn or agitated, mutters under breath, slow response time.
  • Delusions/paranoia
  • Extreme anxiety and depression.


Use these important tips to determine the most appropriate response for a distressed student.

Say what you see

  • Be direct.
  • Stick to the facts.
  • Don't make assumptions.
  • Describe the changes you have noticed.
  • Ask if they are okay.

Show you care

  • Let them know you are there for them.
  • Be patient and listen.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Offer help where you can.
  • Ask what they need.
  • Remove distractions.

Hear them out

  • Listen!
  • Provide a space to be heard.
  • Be curious, ask questions.
  • Let them know they are not alone.
  • Affirm their feelings.

Connect to help

  • Determine the need and resources.
  • Reaffirm your support and care.
  • Connect them to resources.


Is the student a danger to self/others and/or is the student in immediate need of assistance for any reason?

Situations requiring immediate assistance
YES The student is at immediate risk of harming themselves or others, is unresponsive, in extreme distress or causing it to others. I have significant concerns about this student and cannot determine if they are at imminent risk.
Call Public Safety at 201-200-3128 if student is on campus.
Call 911 if student is off campus.

Situations requiring assistance
NO This is not an emergency, however the student is showing signs of distress and the issue is impacting multiple area of the student's life. I am concerned about them and want to get them more help soon.
Consider the nature of the student's distress and contact appropriate resources for consultation. Assist the student in connecting with The Counseling Center 201-200-3165. When in doubt, if you feel the situation is an emergency or can't wait, call Public Safety 201-200-3128.

Situations you can handle
NO I'm not concerned for the student's immediate safety, but I believe they are struggling with academic and/or personal issues and could benefit from some additional support.
Refer to appropriate resources. Encourage the student to set up an appointment or assist them in doing so.

Counseling Center Resources

Peer Services: GSUB 327
Counseling Center: GSUB 308

Let's Talk Sessions:
Provides students with informal, one-on-one confidential 25-minute sessions to assist students with specific personal concerns.

45 Minute Sessions:
A 45-minute session with a counselor. These consist of 6 or more sessions. Counselors work one-on-one with students to provide aid through their struggles.

A free app where you can talk with other students from around the world about a wide range of mental health

Support Groups:
Various offerings are provided each semester - refer to our website and 小欧视频 communications for the schedule.


小欧视频 Public Safety: 201-200-3128
Counseling Center: 201-200-3165, email:
Women's Center: 201-200-3189
Dean of Students: 201-200-3525, email:
Hudson Speaks24/7 Hotline: 201-795-5757
Hudson Pride Center: 201-963-4779
Womanspace: 609-394-9000
Bridgeway Behavioral Health Services: 201-885-2539
Planned Parenthood (Metropolitan, NJ): 973-622-3900
Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 988
Talk Campus: