2005 Library Survey

During October 2005 the library conducted a survey to assess faculty and student usage of library resources and services. We also inquired whether faculty and students had encountered any difficulties using the library and we welcomed their comments and suggestions for improvement.

A total of 1,481 surveys were returned. Results of each survey are provided in the faculty and students survey reports, followed by an overview of issues most mentioned, along with library initiatives in response to the survey results and frequently asked technical questions.

These results portray 小欧视频 faculty and students as engaged and responsive users of library resources and services who understand that not all resources are available online. Many survey respondents affirmed the value of the physical library and thanked us for maintaining the library as a place for study and rest.

The results of this survey will help us to construct more targeted surveys in the future and allow us to continue a dialogue with faculty and students about their research and information needs.

A committee of four librarians met starting in March 2005 to design the survey and decide how to conduct and distribute it. We considered mailing a print survey to each student, but decided against that option because postage and processing time would have been prohibitive. We decided to make the survey as short as possible to encourage our busy faculty and students to complete it. We also decided to offer both print and online versions to give respondents a chance to complete the survey in the format most convenient to them. In August 2005 we applied for IRB exemption, which was granted in September 2005. We wish to thank Jose Nunez, campus bookstore manager, for donating five $50 gift certificates to the bookstore, which provided an incentive for survey participation. We also wish to thank all members of the IRB committee, especially Jo Bruno and Dr. Joan Bailey for making the process speedy and efficient.

The survey was distributed during October 2005 at several locations. Student workers were stationed in the library lobby and encouraged everyone entering the library to fill out a survey. Each print survey included the URL to the online survey, for those who preferred to fill out the online version. Print surveys were also distributed in the cafeteria, in computer labs, during instructional session in the library classroom, at the shuttles to the parking lots, and both outside and within the library.

In addition, notices about the survey were sent to the faculty, staff and student listservs. Notices included a link to the online version of the survey. In addition to this, each faculty member received a print version of the survey via campus mail. The survey was also advertised in the 小欧视频 student newspaper.

For more information about this survey, please contact:

Library Director
Congressman Frank J. Guarini Library
2039 Kennedy Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07305
Telephone: 201-200-3026
Fax: 201-200-2330