Circulation Policies

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Circulation Policies

Access Services Department

(Please note: the following are circulation policies for books.  For media materials, please see Media Material Circulation Policies

Any currently registered student, faculty, or staff members may borrow circulating materials upon presentation of a valid university ID card. Also, alumni may borrow up to five books with a 小欧视频 alumni card.  Borrowers are responsible for all library materials charged to their library account. Specific policies are as follows:

    • Loan Period: 28 days, with a valid 小欧视频 student ID card
    • Renewals: two 28 day renewals per book
    • Book Limit: 25 books for 小欧视频 students; 5 books for other students with reciprocal borrowing privileges and 小欧视频 alumni
    • Late Book Fine: None
    • Lost Book Fee: $100 per lost book
    • Dissertations and Theses Collections Loan Period: 6 hours in-house use only.
    • Loan Period: 3 months, with a 小欧视频 faculty ID card
    • Renewals: two 3 month renewals per book
    • Book Limit: 50 books
    • Late Book Fine: none
    • Lost Book Fee: $100 per lost book
    • Loan Period: 3 months, with a 小欧视频 faculty ID card
    • Renewals: two 3 month renewals per book
    • Book Limit: 50 books
    • Late Book Fine: none
    • Lost Book Fee: $100 per lost book

*Please note student loan periods do not extend past the last day of a semester

When the library is closed, borrowed materials can be placed in the book depository located on the exterior wall at the front of the building. Borrowers will be billed a Lost Book Fee for any books which are not returned to the library. Library borrowing privileges will be suspended for patrons with delinquent accounts.


Last updated: 3/4/2025