Grading System

Photo of Hepburn Tower Glow

Grading System

СŷÊÓƵ the Grading System

The standing of each student at the completion of each course is determined by the instructor and recorded at the end of each semester.

A (4.0)

A- (3.7)

B+ (3.3)

B (3.0)

B- (2.7)

C+ (2.3)

C (2.0)

C- (1.7)

D (1.0)

F (0.0)

FI (0.0)

P (Pass)

W (Withdrawal)

WU (Withdrawal Unofficial)

WC (Withdrawal after Census Date)

IN (Incomplete)

R (Repeat - Academic Foundation Course only)

Grade Point Averages: The numbers in parentheses represent index values used to compute grade point averages. The number of credits/semester hours assigned to the course multiplied by the grade index received gives the grade points earned for that course. The sum total of grade points earned divided by total credits attempted constitutes the student's grade point average.

(Revised June 1989)

Additional Grading System Information

Click below for more information for Incomplete, Medical Withdrawal, Official Withdrawal and R Grade.

The " IN" grade is to be used only in extraordinary circumstances when a student may be granted further time to complete the required course work. The final deadline date for revision of " IN‚ is one academic semester (excluding summer or winter sessions). If you do not fulfill these requirements within that timeframe, your grade will automatically convert to a FI, which will be calculated as an F in your GPA. 

1. " IN" grade for the Fall Semester must be satisfied by the following Spring Semester.

2. " IN" grade for the Winter, Spring Semesters or the Summer Sessions must be satisfied by the following Fall Semester. "IN" grades that are not resolved by the deadline date will automatically be converted to "F" grades.

  • Students who find it necessary to withdraw from the University for medical reasons must arrange an appointment with the Director of Counseling &Wellness Services (Gilligan Student Union Building-308, 201-200-3165). However, in the event that the Director of Counseling& Wellness is unavailable to process a medical withdrawal the request should be directed to the Dean of Students (Gilligan Student Union Building-127, 201-200-3525).
  • At the time of the meeting with the director the student should present: 1) a letter requesting a medical withdrawal for the semester and 2) a letter from an appropriate healthcare profession on letterhead stationary/prescription pad. The healthcare professional should state the health condition of the student (details are not necessary) and specifically state that the student should not continue school for the remainder of the semester.
  • The interview is used to review the situation of the student and to inform him/her of the process for returning to school.
  • An in-person interview is not conducted in some instances because students are physically not able to come on campus. In such instances the information is faxed to the Counseling Center (or when appropriate, the Office of the Dean of Students).
  • After the interview a formal letter is sent to the Registrar (along with the original letters the student submitted) requesting that the student be withdrawn for the semester. Copies of the letters are maintained in the Counseling Center. The student is also sent a copy of the letter.
  • Medical withdrawals are not processed after the semester ends since at that time grades will have been submitted by professors and it becomes an academic issue.
  • Requests for medical withdrawals after the semester ends should be directed to the appropriate college dean (Arts and Sciences, Education, or Professional Studies).

Note: Medical withdrawals are processed only for undergraduate students in the Counseling Center. Graduate students are to contact their respective academic/college dean who will investigate the request with the concerned faculty member.

W (official withdrawal) Grade: This grade will only be applicable to the student who officially withdraws from a course by filing a completed withdrawal form with the Office of the Registrar. The deadline dates for filing are November 15 for the Fall Semester; April 15 for the Spring Semester. The mid-semester point for Summer Sessions is the deadline for these sessions. For all officially withdrawn students, the instructor's final grade roster will have the grade "W" imprinted in the grade column next to the student's name. A student who does not complete course work and does not officially withdraw will receive the grade of "F". In extraordinary circumstances, such as hospitalization for an accident or illness, a student may submit a written request to the appropriate academic dean for an official withdrawal after the deadline date. Such requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation of the time and nature of the circumstances. Decisions by the Academic Dean on these requests are final. To obtain a refund, students are required to file an official form according to the Refund Schedule posted by the Registrar. A partial refund is available only within the first third of each semester or summer session.

NOTE: The grades "W" (Withdrawal), "P" (Pass) and "R" (Repeat-Academic Foundations) do not affect the grade point average; however, an excessive number of "W" grades can adversely affect a student's eligibility to receive various types of financial aid, and "R" grades are limited to Academic Foundations courses. "R" grades do not count toward degree requirements or graduation.

Non-attendance does not constitute a drop or withdrawal. The Student will not receive a refund and will receive a grade of "F" for the courses in question.


Other Withdrawal Grades

WU= (Withdrew Unofficially) Grade: Students participated at least once in an academically related activity, stopped participating in course activities during the last quarter of the semester, and did not officially withdraw from the course.

WC= (Withdraw after Census Date) Grade. Student participated in an academically related activity at least once and stopped attending prior to the Census Deadline.


R Grade: This grade will only be used in Academic Foundations courses. The grade is given to a student who demonstrates progress in the course but not sufficient progress to warrant a passing grade. The student who receives an "R" grade must either repeat the course or demonstrate sufficient progress to participate at the next level of course work. Students are allowed to receive one "R" grade per course. When the course is repeated, an "F" grade results in dismissal from the University. Letter grade (A through D) issued in Academic Foundation courses (catalog number less than 100) are not calculated in the grade point average.

NOTE: The grades "W" (Withdrawal), "P" (Pass) and "R" (Repeat-Academic Foundations) do not affect the grade point average; however, an excessive number of "W" grades can adversely affect a student's eligibility to receive various types of financial aid, and "R" grades are limited to Academic Foundations courses. "R" grades do not count toward degree requirements or graduation.

Academic Grievance/ Appeal Procedure