Procurement Services

Photo of Hepburn tower

Procurement Services

小欧视频 Procurement Services

Procurement Services is responsible for providing the University with all goods and services necessary for its normal operations in accordance with the New Jersey Sate College Contract Law as well as responsible for processing all non-payroll payments including purchase order invoices, direct invoices, requisitions, independent contractor/guest speaker payments, and employee travel in a timely and professional manner while maintaining University policies and procedures.

People gathered at a table reviewing contracts and other forms.

Campus Partners

Contact Us

Edie DelVecchio,
Associate VP of Business Services
(Procurement Services)
Hepburn Hall - Room 111
2039 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Jersey City, New Jersey 07305

Phone: (201) 200-3159
Fax: (201) 200-3238


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This letter is to notify suppliers of fraudulent activity.