Summer Financial Aid

Photo of two students on campus talking

Summer Financial Aid

Summer 2024 Financial Aid

Interested in receiving financial aid for the Summer 2024? You must meet the following requirements:

  • Be registered for at least 6 credits.
  • You will receive an email to invite you to complete the Summer Aid Application by login into your Gothic Net Account and completing the Task.
  • Once you are awarded, you will receive an email asking you to login to your GothicNet to review your financial aid funding.

Summer I, II, III: Friday, July 26, 2024

Eligibility Overview

To be eligible for the Year-Round Pell Grant funds, you must:

  • Student must have completed 2023/2024 FAFSA.
  • Be enrolled in an eligible academic program.
  • Student must be otherwise eligible to receive Pell Grant funds for the payment period (i.e., summer 2024)
  • Student must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits) in Summer 2024.
    • 3 credits Summer 1 + 3 credits summer 2 = 6 credits in the summer term.
  • Student must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and in good Academic standing.
  • Student must complete the 小欧视频 Summer Aid Application on Gothic Net

* Additional Pell Grant will be included in the student鈥檚 600% maximum Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU)

If a Pell Grant is disbursed in a semester:

Full-time enrollment (12 units or more)50.0%
Three Quarter time enrollment (9-11 units)37.5%
Half time enrollment (6-8 units)25.0%
Quarter time enrollment (3-5 units)12.5%

The sum of the Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) for any term in which a Pell Grant was disbursed regardless of the institution where the grant was received may not exceed 600%.

How can I see my Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) percentage?
You can log on to your  using your  and view your LEU. The LEU will be found on the Financial Aid Review page.

How much may I receive in Year-Round Pell?

Scenario 1: Student A has a zero Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and is eligible for a full Federal Pell Grant for the 23-24 academic year. Student A was enrolled full-time for the Fall and Spring semesters and received full Pell disbursements. With the new implementation of Year-Round Pell, the student will now be eligible to receive a full-time disbursement in the Summer if enrolled in twelve credit hours.

Enrollment12 credit hours Full-Time12 credit hours Full-time12 credit hours Full-time
Pell Awarded$3698 (50%)$3697 (50%)$3698 (50%)

Scenario 2: Student B has a zero EFC and is eligible for a full Federal Pell Grant for the 23-24 academic year. Student B was enrolled full-time for the Fall and Spring semesters and received full Pell disbursements. With the new implementation of Year-Round Pell, the student will now be eligible to receive a half-time disbursement in the Summer if enrolled in six credit hours.

Enrollment12 credit hours Full-Time12 credit hours Full-Time6 credit hours Half-Time
Pell Awarded$3698 (50%)$3697 (50%)$1849 (25%)

To be eligible for Summer Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG)

The eligibility criteria for the Summer NJ TAG grant are the following:

  • Have filed the 2023-2024 FAFSA or NJ Alternative application completed by the state deadline.
  • Received NJ TAG award during the Fall 2023 and/or Spring 2024 term.
  • Summer enrollment of at least 6 credits (for summer this can be 3 credits Summer I, Summer II, or Summer III)
  • Be enrolled in courses that are in the same undergraduate program at the same institution at which you were enrolled during the Fall or Spring of the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • Be enrolled in courses that may be credited towards graduation or used to fulfill your academic major requirements.
  • Meet 小欧视频鈥檚 requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress (annual assessment occurs after Spring grades are posted.)

Student can also receive Federal Direct Student Loans for the Summer if they are registered for at least 6 credits. If you do not qualify for any of the financial aid list above, student should contact the Bursar鈥檚 Office regarding the Payment Plan or secure a .