The National Math Honors Society

Photo of female math student working out equations on whiteboard

The National Math Honors Society

Kappa Mu Epsilon - The National Mathematics Honors Society

Epsilon shield
Epsilon certificate


Math Department has inducted first honorees into the , the national Mathematics Honors Society. The installation ceremony was on February 22, 2010. The ceremony included a talk by Dr. Ron Wasserstein, Executive Director of the American Statistical Association.



Salma Bouazzaoui, Asmaa Bouayad, Beimnet Teclezghi, Ron Wasserstein (Executive Director of the American Statistical Association), Abiodun Banner, Elizabeth Manfrede, Tracy Goycochea, Christopher Williams, Juliette Cabrera, Walter Fedzina, Teresa Kalinowski, and Barbara Feldman(Dean of the college of Arts and Science).

Phil Carrillo, Edwin Rivera, Peter Morin, Cody Chin.

Maria Quiamboa, Azza Eltawil

The initial Faculty Honorees

Ron Wasserstein(Executive Director of the American Statistical Association), Zhixiong Chen, Yi Ding, Richard Riggs, Freda Robbins, and Beimnet Teclezghi, Babara Feldman(Dean of the college of Arts and Science) Sandra Caravella, Deborah Bennett, and Karen Ivy, 

Vice-President, Tracy Goycochea, was instructing the purposes of Kappa Mu Epsilon.

Secretary, Phil Carrillo, was describing the insignia of Kappa Mu Epsilon.

Kappa Mu Epsilon is a national organization founded in 1931 to promote the interest of mathematics among undergraduate students. The members recognize the great service of mathematics in the development of civilization. Advancements continue to be made in the physical universe and in the sciences of human relationships by the application of mathematical knowledge. Mathematics as a pure science and art represents the height of intellectual endeavor.


The primary purposes of being a member of Kappa Mu Epsilon include the following:

  • to further interest in mathematics,
  • to emphasize the role of mathematics in the development of civilization.
  • to develop an appreciation of the power and the beauty of mathematics,
  • to recognize the outstanding mathematical achievement of its members,
  • to familiarize members with the advancements being made in mathematics.


Candidates for the membership:

  • Must be or have been a faculty member or a regularly enrolled student at an institution where a Kappa Mu Epsilon chapter is installed;
  • Must have completed at least three semesters (or five quarters) of the college course and rank in the upper 35% of his/her class;
  • Must have completed at least three college courses in mathematics including at least one semester (or two quarters) of calculus and attained an average of B or better in all mathematics courses;
  • Must have completed at least one semester (one quarter) at the institution, if having transferred from another institution, and have completed at least one mathematics course with a B or better at the institution prior to his/her induction into membership.
  • Election to membership shall be irrespective of membership in any other organization, and no person shall be excluded on the ground of sex, race, creed or color.



A induction ceremony for the National Mathematics Honors Society-Kappa Mu Epsilon and presentation of Scholarships was on 4/28/2011, 3pm. Dean of the college of art and science, Dr. Barbara Feldman gave a speech at the ceremony.
The new members are Allison Arbitblit, Melvyn Drag, Jeimy Hirujo, Rusty Laracuenti, Bernard Lipat, Lina Nassar, Daniela Petofi, Dariusz Serwach, Elisa Tejada, Rachid Zguiouar.


Karen, Jeimy, Melvyn, Bernard, Allison, Rusty, Elisa, Debbie, Zhixiong, Yi, Barbra




A induction ceremony for the National Mathematics Honors Society-Kappa Mu Epsilon and presentation of Scholarships was on 4/28/2011, 3pm. Dean of the college of art and science, Dr. Barbara Feldman gave a speech at the ceremony.

The new members are Mariam Aziz, Joseph Bulatowicz, Jaclene Diaz, Chinwendu Emelum, Andrew Getz, Marcil Gobraiel, Eric Ledesma, Kayla Lennon, Guido Molina, Duke Nyangweso, Maham Saeed, Julissa Saenz, William Schaffer, Dariusz Serwach, Stephen Szulc, Brenda Sarai Valladares, Kyle Woolley.



New members with existing student members of the National Mathematics Honors Society-Kappa Mu Epsilon in the mathematics department.


New members with faculties who are members of the National Mathematics Honors Society-Kappa Mu Epsilon in mathematics department



A induction ceremony for the National Mathematics Honors Society-Kappa Mu Epsilon and presentation of Scholarships was on 5/29/2013, 5pm. The new members are Alicia Markle, David Sralcione, Faith Geib, James Cena, Rachid Eguiouar, Malika Harraki, Ometa Basanta, Daniel Ondieki, Eugera Editoiu, Marquis Alvaradous, Ingi Nakla, Brianna Talor, Daisy Hernandez, Teko L. Teko-Agbo, Holly Terraciano, Naa-Deidei Solomon, Robert J. Dally, Eric Ginzbutg, John Wojnikiewicz, Jacilia Otero, Gisela Vivanco, Ali Aryakia, Simone Estefanos, Carolina Barone, Dvid Paladiries.


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