Business Student Research Showcase

13th Business Student Research Showcase - May 20, 2025

At the 小欧视频 School of Business, we believe innovative ideas come from fresh viewpoints. Graduate and undergraduate students alike are valued members of our research team. The Business and Economics Research Committee organizes student research showcases to provide a platform where students present their research and compete for prizes.

Participants should submit their research abstract to one of the two tracks (Track 1: Quantitative / Track 2: Qualitative):

  • Step 1: Submit a by May 13, 2025.
  • Step 2: Submit by May 18, 2025.
  • Step 3: Present your research (online or in-person) at the competition on May 20, 2025.
Participants should submit their research poster:
  • Step 1: by May 13, 2025. Once received, we will add it on the competition website.
  • Step 2: Attend the competition (online or in-person) on May 20, 2025 and answer questions on your virtual poster (no presentation is required).

Important Documents:

Rubrics for Presentations 

Call For Participation - Spring 2025