Teacher Intern Program

  • Group photo of Teacher Intern Program 2022

    Experiential Learning

    The Intern Program provides COE students the opportunity to WORK alongside experienced teachers in REAL classrooms while getting PAID. Gain REAL-LIFE experience working with students in area schools.

  • Teacher helping with classwork

    Classroom Work

    Work in real classrooms with individual and small groups of students, eventually working your way up to whole classrooms. Have the opportunity to work as a teacher assistant on average of 15-30 hours per week. Observe and learn from experienced teachers in grades K-12.

  • Professional Development at NCTE

    Professional Development

    Engage in a professional development series to further your knowledge. Develop your lifelong learning mindset as you work towards becoming a teacher. Share ideas about research, theory, and practical applications in the classroom. Engage in research and presentation opportunities.

  • Group of people


    Learn from others who will provide coaching and support throughout your time as an intern. From your cooperating teachers to your lead to the program directors, understand you are always supported and given the space to learn and grow as a future educator.

  • Group of people placing hands in the center


    Be a part of the College of Education community and 小欧视频 community at large. Align yourself with other aspiring teachers to help you succeed. Learn and grow as a group of like-minded students who support each other. Engage in academic, work and social opportunities.

Partner Schools

Bayonne Public Schools
BelovED Charter School
HOLA Dual Language Charter School
Jersey City Global Charter School
Learning Community Charter School
Maria L. Varisco-Rogers Charter School
Soaring Heights Charter School
The Ethical Community Charter School
University Academy Charter High School
Union City Public Schools


Michelle Rosen, Ed.D.
Intern Program Director 
Chair & Professor
Department of Teaching, Learning and Literacy