CTPP Handbook
CTPP Handbook
Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnership Handbook
Part I: Overview of the Clinical Component: Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice
- CTPP Contacts
- Mission of the Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnerships
- Goals
- Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice
- Competencies Developed in Clinical Experience and Practice
- Placement Polices
- Applying for Clinical Experience or Clinical Practice
- Admission Criteria for Field Placements for Initial Licensure Candidates
- Grading Policies
- Absences
Part II: Clinical Component Information for Candidates in Initial Licensure Programs
- Field Experiences: Description and Purpose
- Internship: Description and Purpose
- Internship Activity Schedule Sample
- IPA Rubric (PDF)
Part III: Information for Cooperating Teachers, Clinical Supervisors, and Educational Leaders (Principals)
- The Role of the Cooperating Teacher
- The Role of the Clinical Supervisor
- Suggestions for School Administrators
Part IV: Legal Issues
- Liability of Interns
- School Strike Policy
- Fingerprinting Law
- Reporting Child Abuse in New Jersey
Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnership Contacts
Professional Studies Building, Room 203A
Hours: 8:30 a.m. 鈥 5:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; 8:30 a.m. 鈥 6:00 p.m., Wednesday
Office Telephone: 201-200-3015, Fax: 201-200-2334
Certification: 201-200-2079
Brandi N. Warren, M.A., Director
Jeanne Beckner, Program Assistant
Mission of the Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnerships
The Center for Teacher Preparation and Partnerships (CTPP) is an administrative service unit within the Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education at 小欧视频. The center鈥檚 mission is to coordinate the development, implementation, and evaluation of the clinical component for all initial professional education programs at 小欧视频. In the context of the reflective urban practitioner framework, the clinical component is designed to allow education candidates to develop the capability to analyze, reflect on and interpret situations, and set a course of action. The pedagogical premise of the CTPP is that reflective practitioners need to develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to help all children learn.
The CTPP establishes and maintains educationally productive relationships and partnerships with local
school districts. The CTPP ensures that the development, delivery, and evaluation of the clinical component is done in collaboration with its P-12 partners, many of whom are members of the Dean鈥檚 College of Education Advisory Council (CEAC).
The CTPP endeavors to provide meaningful (field experiences) and continually improve the quality of teacher preparation and partnerships at all levels.
- The CTPP will administer, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the clinical component for initial licensure programs, but not Alternate Route.
- The CTPP will serve as a liaison between 小欧视频 and its partnership districts.
- The CTPP will seek to secure the resources needed to establish and maintain Professional Development Schools.
- The CTPP will assist the Dean with College of Education Advisory Council meetings and facilitate
- Field Experience Committee meetings.
- The CTPP will provide support for the College of Education assessment system by collecting and maintaining data related to candidate performance and other aspects of the clinical component.
The Clinical Component at 小欧视频
Cohort | Description | Internship Overview |
Art Education Undergraduate |
Classroom observation and participation in teaching one full day per week, field experience for 13 weeks, and five days per week for the final two weeks of the semester for a total of 23 days in an art education setting. (ART 1331)
15 week, full-time internship in an art education setting. (ART 469)
Early Childhood P-3 Undergraduate |
Classroom observation one full day per week, field experience in an early childhood setting (pre-school, pre-k, or kindergarten). (ECE 331)
Semester internship (15 weeks full-time in 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade) (ECE, 1480)
Early Childhood P-3/Special Education Undergraduate |
Classroom observation one full day per week, field experience in an early childhood setting (pre-school, pre-k or kindergarten). (ECE 331) |
Semester internship (15 week, full-time) in an early childhood or elementary setting (kindergarten, 1st 鈥 5th grade). (ECE 1480)
Elementary Undergraduate |
Classroom observation one full day per week, field experience in an elementary setting (EDU 331)
15 week, full-time internship in an elementary setting (EDU 480)
Elementary + 5-8 Middle School Content |
Classroom observation one full day per week, field experience in an elementary setting (could be in a middle subject setting) (EDU 331)
15 week, full-time internship in an elementary setting (EDU 480)
Health Undergraduate |
Classroom observation one full day per week, field experience in a K-12 setting
Semester internship for those seeking to become certified as a teacher of health education in New Jersey, taken in conjunction with a classroom management seminar
Secondary Undergraduate (English, Social Studies, Science, Math, Spanish) |
Class observation one full day per week, field experience in a secondary or middle school setting (EDU 331)
15 week, full-time internship in a secondary setting (EDU 480)
Music Education Undergraduate |
Classroom observation one full day per week, field experience in a music education setting (EDU 331). The course provides practical 鈥渙n site鈥 experience in both observation and teaching, while students study the methods and materials of general elementary classrooms. (MDT 351). The field experience consists of spending eight Wednesdays in a
Full-time internship in a music education setting for 15 weeks (MDT 452) The course is designed to provide 鈥渙n-site鈥 experience while enrolled in Methods in the Secondary Schools, (MDT 451) which meets once a week after school.
Early Childhood P-3 MAT Graduate |
Semester internship (15-week, full-time internship) in an early childhood setting (preschool, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade). (ECE, 650).
Early Childhood MAT in P-3/Special Education Graduate |
Classroom observation one full day per week, field experience in an early childhood inclusive setting (pre-school, pre-k, or kindergarten.) Depending on previous experience, the practicum may be in a special education or traditional setting. (ECE/SPEC 623) |
Semester internship (15-week, full-time internship) in an early childhood inclusive setting (1st,2nd, or 3rd grade. (ECE/SPEC 605)
Elementary & Secondary M.A.T. Program Graduate |
Classroom observations and practicum embedded in EDU 694 and EDU 645
15-week, full-time internship in an elementary setting (EDU 655)
ESL Graduate |
20 hours of observation in ESL settings (K-12) One observation/evaluation by University supervisor (MCC 617) |
Semester internship (15-week, full time) in an ESL setting (grades K-12). (MCC 660)
Graduate School Nurse Certification Program Track A (Candidates NOT employed full-time as a school nurse in N.J.) Track B (Candidates employed full-time as a school nurse in N.J.) HLTH 643 Graduate School Nurse/ Health Education Practicum |
Candidates complete 24 seven-hour days in the school setting, usually two days each week over 14 weeks -鈥 first six weeks with a certified school nurse in the elementary school; last eight weeks in a middle or high school with a certified school nurse and a certified health educator. Candidates complete time in the school health office and the health education classroom. Four practicum seminars (one per month) are also mandatory. Candidates complete the school nursing component in an online class format led by University faculty that hold a NJ endorsement as a certified school nurse. Candidates are also assigned to work with a certified health educator in their district of employment or a neighboring district. Candidates cannot be paid for time spent with the certified health educator for practicum purposes. Four practicum seminars (one per month) |
Teacher Candidate Competencies Evaluated During Clinical Components As Delineated in the (RUP) and TEAC Claims
Framework I. Knowledge Foundation
- Literacy: Candidates being prepared to work in urban settings demonstrate competence in the literacy skills required to present their subject matter to P-12 students.
- Development and Learning Theory: Candidates being prepared to work in urban settings demonstrate knowledge of P-12 student development and learning theory in the context of academic settings.
- Legal and Ethical Issues: Candidates being prepared to work in urban settings demonstrate knowledge of the complexity of the legal and ethical issues associated with teaching and learning in P-12 classrooms.
- Content Knowledge: Candidates being prepared to work in urban settings demonstrate the content knowledge necessary to help all students learn information literacy, technology, problem-solving and performance skills and demonstrate the ability to adapt the curriculum to the unique needs of the learner.
- Family and Community: Candidates being prepared to work in urban settings demonstrate knowledge of the role that families and communities should play as valued partners in the education process. Candidates understand that schools may have tacit cultural assumptions that may not be shared by families and communities that urban schools serve.
Framework II. Pedagogical Skills
- Motivation and Behavior: Candidates will demonstrate a critical understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior, contemporary learning theories, and the use of technology to create learning environments that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement
- Communication: Candidates will demonstrate the effective use of verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques and technology to foster active inquiry, respect for cultural difference, and collaboration in the classroom.
- Services and Instruction: Candidates will demonstrate the ability to plan services and instruction based upon synthesis and evaluation of knowledge of the individual learner, subject matter, the community, and the curriculum, particularly in urban environments.
- Instructional Strategies: Candidates will demonstrate a critical understanding of the uses of a variety of instructional strategies and technologies to encourage students鈥 development of critical thinking, information literacy, technology, problem solving and performance skills, and demonstrate the ability to adapt the curriculum to the unique needs of the learner.
- Assessment: Candidates will demonstrate the ability to assess different levels of development and adapt practice accordingly based on a proficient and informed use of research, reflection, and individual needs.
Framework III. Dispositions for Urban Education
- Power of Students: Candidates demonstrate a belief in the ability and potential of all learners in our urban environments to meet high expectations of academic achievement and social development.
- Power of Schools: Candidates demonstrate a belief that schooling and education function as vehicles for economic, social, and political equality and liberation.
- Power of Difference: Candidates demonstrate recognition and valuing of culture, language, gender, socioeconomic status, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, exceptionality, and other forms of difference as assets in teaching and learning.
- Power of Lifelong Learning and Reflection: Candidates demonstrate that they value lifelong learning and reflection and commit themselves to actively seek out opportunities to grow intellectually and professionally, and act as change agents. Candidates demonstrate a willingness to examine and investigate personal assumptions and the ability to reflect upon and evaluate the effects of their actions and choices on others.
- Power of Empathy and a Commitment to the Success of All Children in Schools: Candidates will provide evidence that they have a personal commitment to an ethic of caring and empathy, and a commitment to promoting the academic and social success of all learners.
Placement Policies
- Placements are made by the CTPP in conjunction with University faculty from the respective program areas and P-12 partner districts.
- Placements are made through a cooperative and mutual arrangement with selected schools, districts, and agencies. These arrangements are initiated and completed by the CTPP.
- Professional interns will most often be assigned to schools in towns other than where they reside, where they attended school, where their children or siblings are enrolled, where they work, or where they have relatives employed. Some of these restrictions do not apply in larger cities or in some programs. It is prohibited for any candidate to be placed in a school where any family member works, or is a registered student.
- Special placement requests must be made in writing, approved by the department chairperson and submitted to the CTPP with all other paperwork. Requests will be considered by the CTPP and departments only where there is evidence of extenuating circumstances.
Partnership Districts
The following districts have special partnership agreements and relationships with 小欧视频. Representatives from these schools serve on the Dean鈥檚 College of Education Advisory Council, and have agreed to support the Reflective Urban Practitioner framework in clinical experience and clinical practice. They share the responsibility for (1) the clinical preparation of new teachers; (2) the continuing professional development of school and college faculty; (3) the support of exemplary practices which result in children鈥檚 learning; and (4) the support of research directed at the improvement of teaching and learning. The College of Education supports the concept and model of professional development schools.
Partnership Districts:
- Bayonne
- Elizabeth
- Harrison
- Hoboken
- Irvington
- Jersey City
- Kearny
- Newark
- North Bergen
- Secaucus
- Union City
- Weehawken
- West New York
- Essex County Vocational and Technical Schools
Applying for Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice:
- Candidates must apply for clinical experience or clinical practice in consultation with the department chair or faculty advisor within the College of Education. Application deadlines are listed on clinical applications, as well as on the CTPP website.
- Candidates must obtain an application form from the department chair or faculty advisor at the time of advisement. The candidate and faculty advisor are responsible for verifying prerequisite courses and requirements.
- Candidates applying for either clinical component must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Clinical students must satisfy the proper assessment requirements prior to beginning either clinical component.
CLINICAL EXPERIENCE: A passing score on the PRAXIS Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) test is required for all clinical experience candidates. Elementary and secondary teacher candidates must also pass the College of Education writing assessment (TOW&R) prior to clinical experience.
CLINICAL PRACTICE: A passing score on the appropriate Praxis II exam is required prior to clinical practice. Although a clinical practice application may be accepted without a passing score report, a placement request will not be made until documentation of a passing score is received in the CTPP.
Additional information about Praxis exams is available from the Educational Testing Service at or by contacting ETS at 609-771-7395 or e-mail: praxis@ets.org.
Beginning fall 2017 all clinical practice candidates must also pass edTPA.
- A completed application, a current resume, a copy of the full passing Praxis score report when applicable, and a signed candidate agreement must be submitted in the CTPP to begin the application process. Prior to the start of either clinical component, candidates must provide proof of payment of clinical fees ($250 prior to clinical experience/clinical practice phase one and $250 prior to clinical practice phase two). These fees are applied to all clinical students, including school nurses.
Candidates must submit all information at one time to the CTPP before registering for clinical experience or clinical practice. The 小欧视频 Career Development Center is available to assist candidates with resumes and other professional documents.
State regulations require that all candidates submit written evidence of their insignificant Mantoux intradermal reaction within one month prior to the beginning of clinical experience. A candidate with a positive reaction to the Mantoux must submit a physician鈥檚 report and an evaluation of a chest x-ray.
- The CTPP Director and Assistant Director will review applications, resumes, and special requests to determine if placement eligibility criteria have been met. Department advisors are responsible for verifying testing and academic requirements. When all pre-requisites have been satisfied, clinical experience and clinical practice candidates will be registered by the Assistant Director and Director respectively. Candidates can self-register for all other courses.
- The CTPP contacts school districts and agencies regarding placements and makes contractual arrangements for each student. The CTPP does not withdraw or cancel confirmed placements without adequate documentation of a significant emergency or an extenuating circumstance.
- The CTPP notifies candidates if the school requests an interview; these candidates must contact the district directly to arrange for an interview. Candidates placed in schools that have not requested an interview should report to the school prior to the first day of the clinical assignment to meet with the cooperating teacher and the principal.
Admission Criteria
The CTPP arranges clinical field placements for candidates who are recommended by the department.
Clinical Experience Requirements Summary
Clinical experience candidates are required to have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, a passing score on the Praxis CORE test, a grade of B- or better in education coursework, and a minimum grade of C in all university undergraduate requirements.
Elementary and secondary education teacher candidates must also have a passing score on the College of Education writing assessment (TOW&R).
Clinical Practice Requirements Summary
Clinical practice candidates are required to have: a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, a passing score on
the appropriate state-licensing Praxis exam, and edTPA registration. Clinical practice candidates must have completed all departmental coursework, pre-requisites, and requirements leading up to the internship with a grade of B- or better.
Clinical practice candidates must pass the edTPA to earn a passing grade for clinical practice.
Clinical practice candidates are required to attend the minimum number of supplemental workshops noted in the teacher candidate folder distributed at the beginning of the semester.
Grading Policies
Clinical experience candidates receive a letter grade based on a midterm and a final evaluation
by the cooperating teacher and the clinical supervisor.
Clinical practice candidates are graded by the clinical supervisor, in collaboration with the cooperating teacher. A final grade of pass or fail is assigned based on the edTPA score, two evaluations made by the cooperating teacher, and seven made by the clinical supervisor.
For both clinical experience and clinical practice candidates, evaluations are submitted to the CTPP electronically and are accessible online. Student assignments on Blackboard also contribute to the grade. Supervisors are responsible for the assignment of clinical grades, which are processed through the academic departments. The CTPP is not involved in the assignment or posting of clinical grades.
Teacher candidates must adhere to the calendar set by their placement school, not the 小欧视频 calendar.
Only one absence is excused for clinical experience students. Up to three absences are excused for clinical practice students. Any absences in excess of those noted here must be made up. Candidates are expected to be present each scheduled day of the clinical component unless an emergency situation (such as major illness) occurs.
If a candidate cannot report to the assigned school, he or she must:
- Telephone the school office as early as possible and ensure that the cooperating teacher has been notified.
- Complete and submit the online Student Absence Report
- Contact the clinical supervisor as early as possible.
Cooperating teachers and clinical supervisors should immediately notify the CTPP of any excessive tardiness or absence.
Clinical Component Information for Candidates in Initial Licensure Programs
Clinical Experience: Description and Purpose
Clinical experience provides opportunities for all qualified initial licensure teacher candidates to observe the interactions between the various personnel of a typical urban school and observe and work with children at varying ages, abilities, and grade levels under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and a clinical supervisor. This two-day-per-week experience also provides a unique opportunity for the cooperating teacher and university supervisor to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and disposition of the candidate seeking certification.
Specifically, the field experience should provide the education candidate an opportunity to:
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of various teaching methods
- Gain exposure and experience in at least two school settings
- Work with children in his/her area of certification under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and a clinical supervisor
- Develop an understanding of the urban school and the urban student in terms of educational philosophy, school mission, organizational structure, and student support delivery systems
- Have cooperating teachers and clinical supervisors assess his/her aptitude, readiness, and attitude
- Establish experiential foundation that will assist in lesson planning, classroom management, and concurrent course content
- Employ technological tools to analyze, reflect, and expound upon lessons taught
General Suggestions to Clinical Component Candidates
Candidates are expected to visit the school prior to the first day of the clinical component to meet the cooperating teacher and develop familiarity with the travel route. Candidates should visit the school鈥檚 website to obtain pertinent information such as the school schedule, sign-in procedures and parking arrangements, etc.
Candidates are expected to conduct themselves as guests of the school, maintain professional standards, and follow all rules and regulations established for school staff.
Candidates are strongly advised to minimize other responsibilities, specifically those which
involve inflexible time commitments during the clinical component. Due to the time commitment required for phase two of clinical practice, enrollment in courses other than the concurrent seminars is strongly discouraged.
Candidates must follow school dress codes and grooming regulations.
New Jersey State Law prohibits corporal punishment in all schools.
Title 18A, Education of the New Jersey Statutes reads: No person employed or engaged in a school or educational institution, whether public or private, shall inflict or cause to be inflicted, corporal punishment upon a pupil attending such school or institution; but any such person may, within the scope of his/her employment, use and apply such amounts of force as are reasonable and necessary:
- Quell a disturbance, threatening physical injury to others;
- Obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects upon the person or within the
- control of a pupil;
- For the purpose of self-defense; and
- For the protection of persons or property; and such acts, or any of them, shall not be construed to constitute corporal punishment within the meaning and intent of this section. Every resolution, by law, rule, ordinance, or other act or authority permitting or authorizing corporal punishment to be inflicted upon a pupil attending a school or educational institution shall be void.
Absence of Cooperating Teacher
In the absence of a cooperating teacher, the candidate must report to the assigned school and consult with the school principal about the classroom assignment for that particular day. It is recommended that the candidate remain in the classroom with the substitute teacher, but not for an extended period of time. If a prolonged absence is expected the candidate should be reassigned to another class. The candidate must inform the clinical supervisor when the cooperating teacher is absent.
Substitute Teaching
A teacher candidate cannot function as a substitute teacher in a classroom when the teacher is absent from school.
Clinical Practice: Description and Purpose
This full time, practice teaching semester is the culminating experience in the professional education sequence. Candidates experience professional teaching under the supervision of a classroom teacher (cooperating teacher) and a clinical supervisor and demonstrate the competencies delineated in the Reflective Urban Practitioner Model and TEAC claims. During the experience, the intern is expected to work with the cooperating teacher and university supervisor to develop a systematic plan that will afford the candidate adequate instructional experience.
The student teacher should engage in teaching activities under the guidance of the mentor cooperating teacher and the university supervisor. The intern will assume the same personal and professional responsibilities as the cooperating teacher. The candidate should learn the procedures of the school district regarding the teacher鈥檚 responsibilities and should receive specific guidance from the cooperating teacher on how to fulfill these responsibilities.
The intern should be familiar with the total school curriculum, the specific objectives of the school, and the characteristics of the school population and community.
As a learner and as a responsible teacher, the intern is expected to develop a capacity for reflection, critical thinking, and self-evaluation. The ability to evaluate one鈥檚 strengths and weaknesses enables one to improve. During this experience, the intern鈥檚 role is to discover how individual and professional abilities are used in the teaching profession and reflect on how best to improve his/her teaching skills. Development of this skill set will be measured by edTPA during phase two of clinical practice.
Some Recommendations for Success during the Clinical Component
- Contact the principal immediately when visiting the school and when arriving for the first day of the experience.
- Offer services to the principal and the cooperating teacher when the opportunity arises. Familiarize yourself with the school鈥檚 culture and community. Doing so will help candidates become a participating member of the faculty.
- Establish a friendly, professional relationship with members of the school staff under the guidance of the cooperating teacher.
- Study the children intelligently, record information carefully, and use it scientifically.
- Accept graciously the suggestions of your university supervisor. Ask for help and use suggestions.
- Refrain from adverse criticism of the school or school personnel.
- Remain after school for needed school conferences or planning meetings with the cooperating teacher.
- Express appreciation to the principal and the cooperating teacher at the end of the period for the opportunity of working with them.
- Remember that the conduct of interns reflects upon 小欧视频.
Examples of Abuses of Professional Ethics by Interns
- Ignoring school regulations.
- Discussing openly confidential information available to the intern.
- Using excuses when shortcomings are discussed.
- Quizzing children for the sake of idle curiosity or gossip.
- Treating children inconsiderately or discourteously.
- Failing to share responsibilities with the cooperating teacher with regard to extra duties including playground, cafeteria, hall duty, study hall, and special functions.
- Arriving late, leaving early, or rushing out immediately after classes are dismissed.
Suggested Clinical Practice Activity Schedule
Clinical practice is the ideal time for candidates to apply theory to practice. It is impossible, however, for the candidate to engage in all the activities that are facilitated by a teacher or employ all the techniques and strategies that may enrich the candidate鈥檚 experience.
The cooperating teacher should plan with the intern a sequence of activities which, in the cooperating
teacher鈥檚 judgment, the candidate may benefit from during clinical practice. The activities will vary in form and content according to the grade level, subject area, and developmental learning levels of the children.
Included in this handbook are a wide variety of activities which the cooperating teacher may find useful in planning a program with the candidate. The plan of activities should be outlined during the first week of clinical practice and implemented and modified as circumstances require.
Criteria for a Good Schedule
The suggested activities and weekly time schedule should do the following:
- Help the candidate to quickly acquire an understanding and appreciation of the school鈥檚 aims and objectives; its program of study; students, population, and community; the responsibilities of faculty members; and the individual teacher鈥檚 responsibilities in the operation of the school.
- Help the candidate to gradually assume full responsibility for teaching by first co-teaching with the cooperating teacher and then completing tasks that contribute to understanding the role of a teacher; and second, by teaching one subject or one class section.
- Help the cooperating teacher to provide full assurance that high instructional standards are maintained during the clinical component. The cooperating teacher is the immediate supervisor who approves the schedule of activities for the candidate, suggests methods and content for units, approves lesson plans, and evaluates the candidate鈥檚 effectiveness.
Clinical Practice (Full Semester)
Phase two of clinical practice for all teacher candidates is 15 weeks. The schedule of 鈥淪uggested Activities and Recommended Programs鈥 will follow the same general sequence, i.e. starting with observations, gradually incorporating expanded teaching responsibilities, and ending with full-time teaching.
The sequence and timing of responsibility will be based on the individual readiness of each teacher
candidate. Candidate readiness will be determined by the candidate, cooperating teacher, and the
university supervisor and based on teaching performance.
A Sample of One Possible Scheduling Approach
- First week: Orientation, reflective observation, and analysis of gradually increasing blocks of participation.
- Second and third weeks: Continued observation, participation and the first teaching assignments 鈥 perhaps one, then two, lessons a day followed by thorough evaluations.
- Fourth week: During this period the teaching load may increase from about half-time to almost full-time.
- Fifth week Through Completion of Full-time Teaching. During the final week, the intern should have opportunities to observe the cooperating teacher.
Variations between elementary school placements and secondary school placements are required due to differences in scheduling and programming. The secondary school teacher will frequently meet a larger number of candidates and provide instruction in one or two subjects rather than a complete range of subjects. As the secondary school teacher candidate will be teaching several groups of students, a discussion about what class will be taken over first should be held early in the internship. This provides an initial focus for observation activities, and subsequent planning, prior to actual teaching.
Suggested List of Activities by Week
First Week
The first week should be utilized to get acquainted with the school, its personnel, and the students whom the teacher candidate will have in his/her classes. The candidate should:
- Tour the community served by the school.
- Tour the building, noting classrooms and special facilities (art, music, shops, gymnasium, cafeteria, guidance offices, auditorium, social areas, media centers, etc.).
- Study the teacher鈥檚 administration manual and faculty bulletins.
- Study student handbooks, school newspapers, and yearbooks.
- Attend student council and club meetings; athletic, musical, and dramatic events; school assemblies, and student rehearsals and practices.
- Attend PTA, faculty, and community meetings about school affairs.
- Study the school schedule, noting opening and closing times, length of class periods, and special features of the schedule.
- Observe classes that you expect to begin teaching first. Note the types of students, and the content and methods used by the mentor teacher.
- Examine the school鈥檚 program of studies and courses of study for subject areas and note the scope and sequence of courses.
- Become acquainted with methods of reporting to parents (progress reports, report cards and conferences).
Second Week
By the start of the second week the intern should begin to help the cooperating teacher with many teaching duties and tasks of classroom instruction. The candidate should:
- Prepare an attendance register and grade book that鈥檚 similar to those used by the cooperating teacher.
- Introduce current or supplementary material related to a subject matter.
- Make announcements, conduct opening exercises, supervise outdoor activities, dismiss classes, and oversee club activities and study halls. Introduce a lesson or administer and correct tests.
- Study the units of work in classes that you are to teach. Note the scope and sequence of the unit, the project activities, the resources, the evaluation procedures, and the grading policies and their relation to assessment.
- Study the daily lesson plans of the cooperating teacher noting the time devoted to each activity and the variety of activities. Observe techniques for motivating students, utilizing student interests, and using homework in relation to daily lessons.
- Review and learn key features of online grade book portals.
- Get to know the students that you will be teaching first and identify their academic, social, and emotional levels. Note class leaders and potential problems.
- Focus on a unit of work that will be introduced and prepare daily lesson plans for the unit.
- Prepare lesson plans for a week based on the unit of work. Be prepared, by the beginning of the third week, to teach two or three subjects in the elementary grades or one or two sections of your major subject in the secondary field.
- Begin preparation of a unit of work, incorporating ideas approved by the cooperating teacher.
- Focus on integrating technology into lesson plans.
Third Week
The third week may be devoted to:
- Acquiring additional understanding of the school and students in the classes to be taught.
- Further study and observation of content and methods in subjects and grades to be taught.
- Teaching selected lessons and classes based on lesson plans approved by the cooperating teacher.
- Completing a unit of work based on the course of study on which daily lesson plans will be developed; such a unit will need the careful scrutiny of the cooperating teacher. The unit may incorporate the ideas of the intern, as supplemented and approved by the cooperating teacher.
Fourth Week
By the fourth week, the intern should have a reasonable grasp of the total school situation and be fully accepted as a co-teacher with the cooperating teacher. The intern may be expected to:
- Assume a majority of the teaching load.
- Prepare effective weekly lesson plans and manage the extra instructional duties of the teacher.
- Accept full responsibility for class activities related to teaching.
- Assume at least a half-time teaching load (in the elementary grades three or four subjects, and in the secondary grades two or three major subjects and one minor subject) and devote the major portion of this time to planning and working with classroom groups.
- Know and plan for the class sections and subjects that will complete a full teaching load.
- Plan regular conferences with the cooperating teacher concerning the school, teaching techniques, lesson planning, the children, discipline, and classroom management.
- Teach using planned instructional techniques, prepare and administer tests or assessments, and hold conferences with students and parents as needed.
- Schedule regular conferences with cooperating teacher and university supervisor to discuss and evaluate progress.
Fifth Week through Completion of Experience
From the fifth week through completion of the experience the intern should be:
- Teaching full-time.
- Preparing and introducing units of work.
- Organizing activities under major headings according to purpose.
- Recording and summarizing all activites.
- Holding daily conferences with the cooperating teacher.
- Spending time observing the cooperating teacher.
Lessons Plans
Lesson planning is emphasized as essential for teaching in the candidate鈥檚 professional preparation. Teacher candidates must demonstrate the ability to write relevant, detailed lesson plans and teach effectively from them. When an intern assumes responsibility for a class or a subject, he/she should furnish written lesson plans that incorporate the Common Core State Standards and the NJ Professional Standards for Teachers to the cooperating teacher; this should be completed at least two days in advance in order to profit from the feedback of the cooperating teacher.
The University supervisor will evaluate/oversee/supervise the types of plans developed by the candidate and will generally offer suggestions. All plans to be used in the classroom must be approved by the cooperating teacher. Plans are integral in the evaluation of the internship.
When used with a teaching unit, daily lesson plans should indicate:
- Topic (Problem)
- Objectives
- Activities and Content
- Motivation
- Materials
- Evaluation (after the lesson is taught)
The intern can benefit greatly from the helpful guidance of an experienced teacher on how to prepare and utilize lesson plans. The candidate may use either the outline for daily plans required in the assigned school district or one suggested by the cooperating teacher. Whatever the outline, the intern will be expected to prepare well written plans.
The Unit Plan or Teaching Unit
The unit plan or teaching unit is a detailed guide for teaching a particular topic or problem for an extended period of time, perhaps several weeks. It contains:
- Title (worded as a problem)
- Objectives (desired outcomes)
- Understandings
- Skills and abilities
- Attitudes and applications
- Outline of basic content
- Activities (Learning Experiences)
- Initiatory or introductory
- Developmental (locate, evaluate, interpret materials dealing with questions).
- Culminating or concluding (summarizing experiences)
- Materials (materials that contribute to desired outcomes)
- Evaluation (as the unit progresses) with analysis of student learning
It is highly desirable that teacher candidates develop such a teaching unit and use the unit with a class. Candidates may take units of work available in the school under guidance and adapt them for their classes. The university recognizes that successful use of teaching units depends primarily on the interests, skills, and abilities of the teacher. Although teaching is not based on unit development, the series of daily lesson plans should be kept together to show the direction and scope of classroom work. It is important for candidates to demonstrate the student learning that resulted from their teaching, to analyze this learning, and to make plans for improving learning and instruction.
Information for Cooperating Teachers, University Supervisors, and Principals
Special Case Reports: When it becomes apparent that a clinical student鈥檚 performance may hinder their overall success in either clinical component, a Special Case Report may be necessary. A Special Case Report, which is used to document existing weaknesses or concerns, can be completed by a clinical supervisor or cooperating teacher. Reports must be completed and submitted to the CTPP as early in the experience as possible to achieve optimal results. The first time a concern about a candidate鈥檚 performance is documented, the CTPP director, department chairperson, and clinical supervisor will meet with the candidate to address the noted challenges and develop a remediation plan.
Supervisory Travel: Supervisors are reimbursed for travel to and from the site of supervision.
Supervisors are reimbursed for tolls and at .575 per mile for travel from either the university or their home, whichever is the shorter distance. Completed travel vouchers must be submitted to the CTPP (Education and Professional Studies Building, Room 203A) at the end of each semester. Travel reimbursements are processed pending receipt of the appropriate paperwork, such as printed directions to verify mileage and all related toll receipts.
Cooperating Teacher Payment: Payment vouchers for cooperating teachers are processed at the end of each semester after all requisite paperwork has been submitted. Payment cannot be issued unless all required evaluations and reports have been submitted.
Full-semester clinical practice: Cooperating teachers receive a stipend of $150.00 and a certificate for 15 professional development hours.
Half-semester clinical practice: Cooperating teachers receive a stipend of $75.00 and a certificate for eight professional development hours. Cooperating school nurses receive a stipend of $50.00, and a certificate for three professional development hours.
Clinical experience: Cooperating teachers receive a stipend of $100.00 for hosting a clinical experience candidate and a certificate for three professional development hours.
The Cooperating Teacher鈥檚 Role During Clinical Practice
The cooperating teacher serves as an exemplary teacher and mentor. The role of the cooperating teacher is to model, guide and discuss the challenges that teaching presents, the pleasure and satisfaction gained through successful teaching, the responsibilities of teaching, and the magnitude of the task. The success of the experience depends upon the development of a professional and collaborative relationship between the cooperating teacher and intern.
- Orienting the Intern. From the beginning, the cooperating teacher should make the candidate feel comfortable. The intern should be informed of consultant services, guidance facilities, health services, technology and media equipment, the library, and procedures for requisitioning supplies. All extra classroom duties should be defined, such as lunch room supervision, study halls, homeroom, bus schedules, and field trips. The cooperating teacher should stress the importance of punctuality and the need to plan work and attend meetings and conferences. Cooperating teachers will keep an attendance record and alert the CTPP of excessive tardiness or absences as soon as possible.
- Guiding the Intern in Classroom Management. The cooperating teacher鈥檚 enthusiasm will assist an intern in developing strategies for classroom management of groups with diverse learning abilities and behavioral levels. By guiding the intern toward understanding the various needs, interests and abilities of the pupils, the cooperating teacher helps him/her attain the discipline expected.
- Guiding the Intern in Planning. The cooperating teacher will help the candidate plan individual lessons, and more importantly, to create long-range plans. It is critical that candidates learn to plan instruction based on their analysis of student learning. Candidates should begin planning individual lessons, moving gradually to planning entire weeks, and finally planning for at least a month.
- Guiding the Intern in Understanding Children. The intern is encouraged to inquire about special services offered by the school. By meeting parents and other teachers, the intern will have available information that may help pupils progress socially and intellectually. The cooperating teacher will demonstrate the need for the candidate to take a long-range view of work during clinical experience. The cooperating teacher may assist the candidate in becoming acquainted with the particular cultures and backgrounds of the pupils.
- Guiding the Intern in Acquiring Teaching Techniques. The cooperating teacher stresses the patience, skills and dispositions necessary to teach at all levels. He/she allows the intern to take on only such responsibility in teaching as he/she proves capable of doing. The cooperating teacher, from wide experience, informs the intern of the sources for supplemental work. The cooperating teacher suggests to the intern the curriculum guides, instructional materials, technology, records and books designed to make the beginner self-confident by encouraging the intern to try out his/her own plans and procedures. The cooperating teacher offers continuous and constructive feedback to the intern.
- Acquainting the Intern with Classroom Routines. The cooperating teacher introduces the intern to classroom procedures: keeping attendance, housekeeping duties, emergency procedures (e.g. fire drills, rapid dismissal), school schedules, library passes, cafeteria behavior and the overall policies and administration of the school.
- Observing and Evaluating the Intern. The cooperating teacher completes two evaluations during the course of the candidate鈥檚 placement: the mid-point evaluation and the final evaluation. At the conclusion of clinical practice, the cooperating teacher evaluates the professional growth and disposition of the candidate. It is expected that the candidate will have attained a level of maturity and competence as a teacher, including the ability to relate to all children and possess the teaching skills, knowledge, and dispositions to be a highly qualified and caring educator.
Cooperating Teacher鈥檚 Role in Clinical Experience
- Have the candidates introduce him/herself to the children.
- Encourage the candidate to learn the children鈥檚 names, circulate through the room when the children are working independently, and to provide help when and where appropriate.
- Give the candidate opportunities to check children鈥檚 work and provide feedback.
- By mutual consent of the candidate and cooperating teacher, gradually transition the candidate into teaching the class, beginning with individual children or a small group, and progressing to larger groups, and eventually the whole class.
- Have the candidate assume some responsibility for helping the children with routine activities.
- Have the candidate learn the importance of careful planning before working with the children. It is best that the candidate have a week notification of what will be expected. It is requested that the cooperating teacher work with the candidate in the development and implementation of lesson plans, and then reflect on the experience.
Cooperating Teacher Checklist
- Use this handbook as a resource and feel free to forward suggestions or comments on the handbook to the CTPP.
- Assess the work of the teacher candidate using the online form and submit the mid-semester assessment to CTPP. At the conclusion, complete and return the online final evaluation form.
- When submitting the final evaluation report, also submit the payment voucher to the CTPP.
- The minimum payment processing time is one month. Upon receipt of the payment voucher, the CTPP will forward the professional development certificates. Payment cannot be issued unless all required evaluations and reports have been submitted.
- First-time cooperating teachers must complete and mail a W-9 form to the CTPP. Returning cooperating teachers with name changes should also complete a W-9 form to reflect the name change. A self-addressed stamped envelope is enclosed in the cooperating teacher folder that each student gives to his/her cooperating teacher the day they arrive at the school.
- Cooperating teachers are requested to complete the online cooperating teacher survey and submit it to the CTPP at the end of clinical practice. The College of Education aggregates and disseminates this data to improve its teacher preparation programs.
- Cooperating teachers may call upon the clinical supervisor for help at any time and should confer with the clinical supervisor regularly regarding the candidate鈥檚 performance. The cooperating teacher is strongly encouraged to provide the clinical supervisor with ongoing feedback about the clinical intern.
- Should a candidate experience difficulty or need additional support, cooperating teachers are asked to complete and submit a Special Case Report to the director of the CTPP and to contact the clinical supervisor. Cooperating teachers may also call or e-mail the director. Contact information is listed at the beginning of the handbook.
- Monthly attendance forms are included in the cooperating teacher folder. These forms are to be used throughout the semester to annotate candidate absences, if any. The final attendance form can be returned when the final evaluation is submitted.
The Role of the Clinical Supervisor
The clinical component provides the College of Education with an opportunity to assess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of its candidates. The guidance they receive through observations and feedback from clinical supervisors is critical to their professional development and success. To ensure that all candidates have the appropriate level of support during the clinical component, and in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Education Administrative Code, a minimum number of documented visits are required for Clinical Experience, as well as for both phases of clinical practice.
Clinical Experience: For all University supervisors compensated at the rate of a quarter credit load for each candidate supervised in clinical experience, a minimum of two documented visits are required. An initial informal visit must also be conducted to verify that the placement is suitable. The CTPP should be informed of inappropriate placements as early as possible. The supervisors observe candidates on-site and complete an online mid and final evaluation form. The data gathered from instruments will be aggregated as a critical component of the unit assessment system. Analysis of this data is used to justify ongoing program modification for the purpose of program improvement.
Clinical Practice: For university supervisors who are compensated at the rate of a full credit load to supervise interns, a minimum of seven documented visits (approximately every other week) is required. These visits should occur over the span of clinical practice, and the documentation should provide a basis for formatively assessing candidates鈥 growth from the beginning to the end of this capstone experience.
The introductory visit should take place as early as the first week but no later than the second week. The summative assessment should take place no later than early in the final week of clinical experience or clinical practice. Confer with the candidate regarding your observation of their work with children and also discuss the candidate鈥檚 progress with the cooperating teacher.
Clinical supervisors must also meet with the principal during the semester to introduce themselves and to request a possible observation by the principal. Following each visit, supervisors are to complete and submit an online internship performance assessment form to the CTPP.
During clinical practice, the university supervisor serves as liaison between the CTPP director, the cooperating teacher, the school principal, and the department chairperson and encourages the cooperating teacher and candidate to read the student teaching handbook. As a liaison the supervisor has the following responsibilities:
- To attend a supervisors meeting at the start of the semester.
- To explain university policy regarding the clinical component. Assist the cooperating teacher in submitting any necessary evaluations online.
- Assist the cooperating teacher in submitting any necessary evaluations online.
- To brief the cooperating teacher on the intern as well as, university policies and commitments.
- To inform the intern about his/her responsibilities in the community, the school, and the classroom.
- To confer with the cooperating teacher at the beginning of the semester to develop a weekly schedule that allows the intern to gradually assume complete responsibility for teaching the class.
- To meet with the cooperating teacher during each visit to discuss the intern鈥檚 progress and offer assistance to the cooperating teacher in helping the intern to grow.
During the observations, visits should be long enough to permit the supervisor to:
- Observe at least one complete lesson.
- Confer with the cooperating teacher and intern (and on some occasions with the principal or department supervisor).
- Encourage the candidate to reflect on and evaluate his/her progress and proficiency in the classroom.
- Offer assistance and guidance, and provide resource materials.
- Listen to and address the concerns of the intern and/or the cooperating teacher.
Final Evaluation
The clinical supervisor bases the final evaluation report on the following criteria:
- The cooperating teacher鈥檚 judgment of the candidate鈥檚 proficiency through:
- Regular joint conferences between the supervisor and the cooperating teacher
- The cooperating teacher鈥檚 written evaluations submitted to the University
- The supervisor鈥檚 observations of the candidate鈥檚 performance throughout the semester
- The quality of written material produced by the candidate, i.e., lesson plans or reports
- Conferences with the principal or other school officials regarding the candidate鈥檚 contributions to the general school program
- Evidence of the candidate鈥檚 personal or professional responsibility in such matters as keeping the supervisor notified of the changing weekly schedule and following suggestions for instructional improvement or other changes in techniques. If a candidate does not pass clinical experience or clinical practice, the supervisor must have a record of systematic remediation and assistance provided throughout the clinical component. A Special Case Report should be filed with the CTPP. A candidate should not be automatically passed if the record or performance does not warrant it. However, proper documentation of adequate supervision must accompany a recommendation of failure. These recommendations are often discussed during Special Case Report meetings.
Suggestions for School Administrators
Clinical interns benefit from meeting with administrators prior to the first day of a field placement. Discussion topics are likely to include:
- Areas and limits of responsibility for various school personnel
- Philosophy of education of the school
- Specific rules and procedures of the school
- School and community relationships
- Available district services to support teaching and learning
Outstanding or unusual contributions made by a candidate or irregularities in candidate behavior must be reported to the CTPP.
The Principal鈥檚 Role.
The principal plays an integral part in the professional development and success of the intern. The clinical component will be enhanced for all if the principal:
- Interviews the prospective intern.
- Selects a cooperating teacher who:
- Has a minimum of three years successful classroom teaching
- Possesses the appropriate standard certification within the area of instruction for which the student is being prepared.
- Exhibits a willingness to share classroom responsibilities and professional expertise with a teacher candidate and serve as a guide and mentor.
- Exhibits a willingness to allow the intern to develop a 鈥減ersonal model of teaching鈥.
- Volunteers to be assigned an intern.
Interns are eligible for the same liability protection by the Board of Education of a public school district as given to classroom teachers employed as regular staff members, according to the following New Jersey Laws of 1967:
CHAPTER 167, LAWS OF 1967 (Assembly Bill No. 244, Approved July 25, 1967).
AN ACT to amend 鈥淎n act concerning education supplementing Title 18 and repealing sections 18:5-50.2 and 18:5-50.3 of the revised statutes and chapter 311 of the laws of 1938,鈥 approved December 21, 1965 (P.L. 1965, c.205).
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of NJ:
- Section 1 of the act of which this is amendatory is amended to read as follows: Whenever any civil action has been brought against any person holding any office, position or employment under the jurisdiction of any Board of Education of this State, including any intern, for any act or omission arising out of and in the course of the performance of the duties of such office, position, employment or Internship, the Board of Education shall defray all costs of defending such action, including reasonable counsel fees and expenses, together with costs of appeal, if any, and shall save harmless and protect such person from any financial loss resulting there from; and said board of education may arrange for and maintain appropriate insurance to cover all such damages, losses and expenses.
- Section 2 of this act of which is amendatory is amended to read as follows: Should any criminal action be instituted against any such person for any such act or omission and should such proceeding be dismissed or result in a final disposition in favor of such person, the Board of Education shall reimburse him for the cost of defending such proceeding, including reasonable counsel fees and expenses of the original hearing or trial and all appeals.
- This act shall take effect immediately.
School Strike Policy
In the event that a strike occurs in a school district where 小欧视频 candidates are
assigned, the candidates will be removed from the school. After informing the appropriate school personnel of CTPP protocol, candidates will report to the CTPP at the university and await further instructions.
Fingerprinting Law (Fingerprinting Chapter 116, P.L. 1986)
Since 1986, the Department of Education requires all new district employees to undergo a background check and to be fingerprinted.
A clinical intern is not an employee of the school district where he/she completes the clinical component. However, all clinical practice candidates must hold a current substitute license. Candidates may apply for their substitute license at a local school district or in a county superintendent鈥檚 office. A NJ substitute license holder is employable throughout the State.
All interns placed in a Jersey City Public School for clinical practice will need to hold a substitute license and undergo a physical exam conducted by a JCPS physician. The JCPS department of Human Resources will arrange to process substitute license paperwork on the 小欧视频 campus. There will be no charge for the physical examination.
The following districts require a substitute license for teacher candidates completing clinical experience: Bayonne, Fort Lee, Elizabeth, Jersey City, and West New York.
Reporting Child Abuse in New Jersey
The Department of Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P) is New Jersey's child protection and child welfare agency within the Department of Children and Families. Its mission is to ensure the safety, permanency and well-being of children and to support families. CP&P is responsible for investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect and, if necessary, arranging for the child's protection and the family's treatment.
In New Jersey, any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse or acts of abuse should immediately report this information to the State Central Registry (Child Abuse Hotline) 1-877 NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-2873). If the child is in immediate danger, call 911 as well as 1-877-652-2873. The State Central Registry receives all reports of child abuse and neglect 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Reports requiring a field response are forwarded to the CP&P Local Office who investigates the matter. Additional information about CP&P, such as contact information for local offices, can be found online by accessing the following site, .
Please note: A concerned caller does not need proof to report an allegation of child abuse and can make the report anonymously.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
New Jersey has been a leader in the establishment of a strong statutory, regulatory, policy and program framework to support the prevention, remediation and reporting of harassment, intimidation and bullying in schools.
School harassment, intimidation and bullying is a significant impediment to effective education and the well-being of youth worldwide. Experts have analyzed the impact of HIB on individual victims, bullies, schools, and on the broader community.
The New Jersey Legislature recognized that bullying in school settings is a growing concern and, therefore, passed the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (P.L.2010, c.122) in January 2011. The intent of the act is to strengthen standards and procedures for preventing, reporting investigating and responding to incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) in New Jersey鈥檚 public schools. To meet the requirements of the act, teachers, educational services professionals, and educational leaders must receive training on harassment, intimation and bullying in school settings beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. N.J.S.A. 18A:37-22(d) requires that instruction on HIB be provided within the professional development cycle, and, additionally, N.J.S.A. 18A:6-112 requires that a component on HIB be incorporated into the existing required suicide prevention training. Documentation on educators鈥 completion of these requirements will follow the existing State procedures.