Learning Online

Photo of female student reading computer lab

Learning Online

Learning to Learn Online

Now that you have registered for your online course, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to in the weeks ahead to prepare for it. Although the online milieu affords unparalleled convenience, you will probably find that it also has its share of challenges. Following are some of the challenges you may encounter and the resources we have put in place to help you meet them:

  • Getting the answers to questions that may occur to you before and during your course: FAQ. Consult our for answers to frequently asked questions. 
  • Finding time to fit learning into your already busy lifestyle: Tips for Learning Successfully Online. Our Tips are designed to help you with this. 
  • Acquiring the skills you will need to become a successful online learner: CyberPrimer. CyberPrimer is a free, self-paced online tutorial designed to provide you with the information and skills you need to become a successful online learner. We recommend that all new online learners complete the CyberPrimer before logging into their online courses for the first time. You may use your GothicNet ID and password to access the CyberPrimer approximately two weeks before the start of the semester. Be sure to complete our CyberPrimer online tutorial before beginning your course.
  • The 小欧视频 Guide to Online Learning provides important information to help you get started with your online class.