Website Governance

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Website Governance

Policy Name: Website Governance
Policy ID Number: 06-03-001
Version Effective Date: February 29, 2012
Last reviewed on: January 1, 2019
Policy Applies To: University wide
Responsible Office: Communications

As a roadmap for governance, this document contains the structure and policies that СŷÊÓƵ, hereafter referred to as the University or СŷÊÓƵ, follows to prepare, authorize, post, review and update content available on its official website at , hereafter referred to as СŷÊÓƵ.edu.

СŷÊÓƵ.edu is the communications vehicle by which the University publicizes news, aggregates information and resources for a variety of constituents, and markets itself to prospective students. For most individuals searching for an institution of higher learning, СŷÊÓƵ.edu is their first impression of the University; it directly accomplishes the strategic objective of leveraging the Internet to provide constituent audiences access to relevant information about СŷÊÓƵ in a user-friendly manner.

СŷÊÓƵ.edu focuses on the needs of the University's constituencies by offering navigation paths for the most frequent visitors – prospective students, current students, parents/family, alumni, faculty/staff, and community. The website also follows consistent branding and navigation on all content, and incorporates a content management system (CMS) to make updates more efficient and consistent.

As the primary reference document, this document exists to ensure high quality, consistency and organization for how information is presented on СŷÊÓƵ.edu. For the purposes of this document, СŷÊÓƵ.edu includes the University's main website () and all associated websites (all sites on the domain ).

On the pages that follow, the mission of СŷÊÓƵ.edu, roles and responsibilities of University departments, information architecture, and content management practices are detailed.

For additional information relating to style and posting of content, refer to the СŷÊÓƵ Website Style Guide & Publishing Manual, which serves as a detailed guide for content users who use the CMS to approve and publish information on СŷÊÓƵ.edu.

Please direct any questions or comments about this document to:
Division of University Advancement
Michael Perna
Interim Assistant Vice President, University Advancement

For many visitors, particularly prospective undergraduate and graduate students, СŷÊÓƵ.edu presents a crucial first impression of the University. As such, the website must:

  • Clearly communicate the University's brand and central marketing messages
  • Quickly and efficiently engage target audiences
  • Present relevant, compelling, accurate and timely information
  • Provide visitors with intuitive navigation that facilitates efficient access to desired content
  • Offer a unified entry point to all of СŷÊÓƵ's Web resources including student portals
  • Provide an easy-to-use mechanism by which to engage the University for applications and requests for information

СŷÊÓƵ.edu content is divided into seven top-level sections that evolved into the main navigation. Categories within these sections contain information specific to the heading of that section and include links to internal and/or external pages or web sites. The Athletics button is the only main navigation section that links directly to an external website.
Present throughout СŷÊÓƵ.edu, the top-level sections that comprise the main navigation elements of the website are:

  • СŷÊÓƵ СŷÊÓƵ Academics Prospective Students
  • Life @ СŷÊÓƵ Athletics Resources
  • Giving to СŷÊÓƵ

Additionally, a Site Search function in the main navigation allows visitors to search via keyword all content of СŷÊÓƵ.edu.

The website has utility and footer navigation elements that are persistent throughout the website. The utility navigation elements are:

  • Apply Now
  • Request Information
  • News & Events
  • Library
  • GothicNet
  • Blackboard
  • Quick Links

The footer navigation elements include:

  • СŷÊÓƵ Disclaimer
  • Maps & Directions
  • Contact СŷÊÓƵ
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Social Network Links

To ensure that users can reach their goal content through different paths of navigation, some content appears in one or more sections of the website. For details and an outline of each section's sub-levels, see the СŷÊÓƵ Website Information Architecture Map, available through the Department of Information Technology's website under Documents.

The maintenance of СŷÊÓƵ.edu is a collaborative effort across all departments of the University. Roles and responsibilities are defined in the following sections.

The administration of the University's website is under the management of the Vice President for the Division of University Advancement, and is coordinated by the Assistant Vice President.

The leadership of the division works closely with Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Administration & Finance to ensure consistency of website content in regard to voice, branding, marketing, and website standards. The division also works closely with the Department of Information Technology to ensure a consistent look and feel is maintained across СŷÊÓƵ.edu.

Review of content for the home page and top three levels of the website is performed consistently by the Division of University Advancement to ensure compliance with University Web policies. Periodic reviews are performed for website levels four and higher; however, content users are responsible for consistently reviewing the content of their assigned pages.

The division is also responsible for the content and design of the external emergency website. The Department of Information Technology is responsible for administering the emergency website.
The Vice President and Assistant Vice President for University Advancement are members of the Web Strategy Group.

The Department of Information Technology manages system administration including Web server maintenance, system updates, Web security, licensing, domain-name registration, and Web feature development.

The department is the faculty and staff's primary resource for CMS training and support. The department is also responsible for CMS account administration, including creating/deleting users, managing user groups, and setting system permissions.

The Website Role Assignment document is maintained by the Department of Information Technology. This document identifies administrative and content users for СŷÊÓƵ.edu. In accordance with the Website Role Assignment Policy, the department is responsible for updating both this document and the CMS when notified of changes to user assignments.

The department is also responsible for administering the external emergency website. Content and design of the emergency website is managed by the Division of University Advancement.

The Assistant Vice President for Information Technology and a select Web Developer from the department are members of the Web Strategy Group.

The Web Strategy Group is responsible for the overall governance of the website and will ensure that future decisions affecting it are strategically considered and consistent with University goals and branding. The group explores the website's capabilities and how they can be leveraged for marketing and public relations efforts, using the back-end technology as a tool to achieve marketing goals. Based on user feedback provided from the Web Review Subgroup, the group will consider revisions to governance processes, website policies, Web design, functionality and tools, and the Web architecture.
The group meets on a quarterly basis, and is led by the Vice President for University Advancement, under the direction of the President of the University. Group members include:

  • Vice President for University Advancement
  • Acting Director of Graduate Studies & Continuing Education
  • Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Assistant Vice President for University Advancement
  • Associate Vice President for Information Technology
  • Executive Director of Alumni Affairs
  • Director of Marketing
  • University Webmaster
  • Web Developer, Information Technology

Reporting to the Web Strategy Group is the Web Review Subgroup, comprised of two representatives each from Admissions, Student Affairs, University Advancement, and Administration & Finance, and four representatives from Academic Affairs. Subgroup members are key staff users who have in-depth, hands-on experience with the CMS. The group monitors the website and diagnoses potential issues relating to both technology and processes. This group seeks feedback from content users, analyzes data traffic reports, and reports findings to the Web Strategy Group.

The University Webmaster will coordinate activities with the Division of University Advancement and the Department of Information Technology to ensure that all web-based initiatives effectively meet the marketing and communication needs of the University. The Webmaster will lead the efforts to monitor website performance, review analytics, create Web traffic reports, and make recommendations on how to improve the website. The Webmaster also manage the day-to-day operations and maintenance of СŷÊÓƵ.edu.

The University Webmaster is a member of the Web Strategy Group.

Per the Event Calendar Policy, the Assistant Director of Communications reviews and approves events submitted by content users before the event is published on СŷÊÓƵ.edu. They are also responsible for publishing approved events with the correct tags so they are displayed on the appropriate calendars.

A content user is anyone assigned to be a content contributor, content owner, and/or content approver for specific website pages per the Website Role Assignment document, maintained by the Department of Information Technology.

Content users are responsible for understanding their role and responsibilities as outlined in this document and how they relate to the approval chain. They must comply with СŷÊÓƵ Website Governance and the СŷÊÓƵ Website Style Guide & Publishing Manual at all times.

All content users must consistently review and update their assigned pages of the website. Keeping content current and accurate at all times is a priority of the University and communication between content users of related pages of the website is imperative. For more details see the Related Page Policy defined in the Policies & Procedures section of this document.

The chart below outlines the content update process and the subsequent paragraphs define the three types of content users' specific roles and responsibilities. An example of the approval chain is provided at the end of this section.


A content contributor must know how to use the CMS on a skilled level.

Content contributors work with content owners to create and maintain content for their assigned pages of the website, and they enter information into the CMS. Content contributors for department pages may also edit the architecture and add links as necessary to suit department needs.

Content contributors are responsible for initiating the approval chain in the CMS for all updated content. Once the final approval has been received from the content owner and content approver, the content contributor is responsible for posting the updated content live to the website through the CMS.

A content owner is an expert in their department or group. They must know how to use the CMS on an intermediate level.

Content owners create content for their assigned pages of the website. They write copy and select photography or videos, and content owners for department pages may also edit the architecture and add links as necessary to suit department needs.

Content owners are responsible for reviewing and fact-checking all website content submitted by the content contributor. They also ensure consistency of website content in regard to voice, branding, marketing, and website standards. They must give approval for all content in the CMS before the content is reviewed and approved by the content approver.

Per the Website Role Assignment Policy, content owners are responsible for assigning and managing content contributors. However, the Vice President of the department is ultimately accountable. When a content contributor for a specific page is changed, it is the responsibility of that page's content owner to notify the Department of Information Technology so they can make updates accordingly.

Content owners must proactively review the content of their assigned pages not only to ensure compliance with the University's Web policies, but also to guarantee content is accurate and updated in a timely fashion. If dated or inaccurate content is found on СŷÊÓƵ.edu, the content owner must immediately notify the content contributor of that page. They must also understand and comply with the Related Page Policy defined in the Policies & Procedures section of this document.

A content approver is usually at the dean or director level and is the leadership behind the page(s) of the website they have been assigned. They must know how to use the CMS on a basic level. Content approvers work closely with University Advancement to ensure content of their page(s) of the website is in compliance with the University's Web policies.

Per the Website Role Assignment Policy, content approvers are responsible for assigning and managing content owners. However, the Vice President of the department is ultimately accountable. When a content owner for a specific page is changed, it is the responsibility of that page's content approver to notify the Department of Information Technology so they can make updates accordingly.

Content approvers are responsible for final review and approval of website content once it has been approved by the content owner. They must give approval for all content in the CMS before the content contributor can post the content live.


The University has established website policies to ensure compliance across all departments responsible for maintaining and updating content available on СŷÊÓƵ.edu.

Departmental websites will be consistent in design but flexible with regard to architecture since the content delivered may vary according to the purpose of the departmental website. Content contributors for these pages may work with content owners and approvers to edit the architecture and add links as necessary to suit department needs.

All events must be submitted to the Assistant Director of Communications for review before the event can be published on СŷÊÓƵ.edu. After review, the Assistant Director of Communications is also responsible for publishing the events with the correct tags so they are displayed on the appropriate calendars.

The comprehensive event calendar on the homepage tab and Event Calendar page includes all events that are open to the public. Internal events will not be displayed on this calendar. Lower level templates that incorporate an event calendar into the design can filter the type(s) of event(s) displayed to be specific to that page's topic(s). The customization of lower level calendars will be achieved through the use of appropriate tags as outlined in the Event Calendar Procedure in the СŷÊÓƵ Website Style Guide & Publishing Manual.

СŷÊÓƵ has defined a related page as any Web page under the governance of the University that contains relevant and parallel content to one or more other Web pages under СŷÊÓƵ.edu. Keeping content current and accurate at all times is a priority of the University and communication between content users of related pages of the website is imperative.

Ektron is programmed so that when a content user initiates a content update through the CMS, an alert will be sent to the content users of the identified Related Pages. Once being notified of a content update, the content owner is accountable for reviewing and confirming whether it affects the accuracy of the website content within their assigned Web pages. If any website content within their assigned Web page(s) needs to be updated, it is the content owner's responsibility to initiate a content update. The content update can either be made by the content owner or assigned to a content contributor of that Web page.

Content updates to Related Pages must be made within two business days of receiving the Ektron alert to ensure the accuracy of all СŷÊÓƵ.edu content.

If a content contributor is out of the office for an extended period of time, a substitute content contributor must be assigned and approved by the page content owner, content approver and/or the Vice President of the department.

If a content owner is out of the office for an extended period of time, a substitute content owner must be assigned and approved by the page content approver and/or the Vice President of the department.

If a content approver is out of the office for an extended period of time, a substitute content approver must be assigned and approved by the Vice President of the department.

The guidelines outlined in the Social Media Playbook apply to all social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

As deemed necessary or appropriate by the Policy Coordinator but at a minimum, at least every 5 years from the effective date.