Policy Name: Smoke-, Tobacco- and Vape-Free Policy
Policy ID Number: 05-04-012
Accountable Senior Administrator: Vice President, Student Affairs 
Issued: June 1, 2019
Last Updated: June 1, 2019

Policy Statement

СŷÊÓƵ is a smoke-free environment. Tobacco and marijuana use–including smoking, vaping, and use of Electronic Smoking Devices (ESDs)–is prohibited both inside of its buildings and facilities and also at all outdoor areas controlled by the University and within the campus footprint.

Reason For Policy

СŷÊÓƵ is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable, productive learning and working environment for its university community. The University recognizes that exposure to secondhand smoke cannot be limited or contained by enclosed spaces because smoke can easily travel outside of established boundaries via open doors, space in doorframes, and heating vents. Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, has been identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a Class  A carcinogen. Its many detrimental effects on health are well established and include triggering asthma attacks, causing lung diseases, particularly lung cancer, and various cardiovascular diseases. This policy advocates for a healthy environment by eliminating smoking and exposure to smoking on campus in all forms in alignment with existing local and state ordinances, particularly the NJ Smoke-Free Air Act (NJAC 8:6-7.2).

Stakeholders Affected By Policy

 The stakeholders affected by this policy include:

  • Students
  • Employees
  • Vendors
  • Contractors
  • Visitors


  • Electronic Smoking Devices (ESDs) – E-cigarettes, i.e., JUUL*, hookah, and any other form of tobacco and vapor producing products. (Please note that e-cigarettes have not been approved by the FDA for therapeutic use or as cessation aids.)
  • Second-Hand Smoke – the combination of smoke that is exhaled or breathed out by a smoker from the burning end of a tobacco, marijuana cigarette or Electronic Smoking Device (ESD) and inhaled involuntarily or passively by other individuals in the surrounding environment.
  • Tobacco - For the purposes of this policy, tobacco products are defined as any products containing, made, or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, or any component part or accessory of a tobacco product, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, cheroots, stogies, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed and other smoking tobacco; snuff, snuff flour, Cavendish, plug and twist tobacco, fine-cut and other chewing tobacco, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cutting and sweepings of tobacco, nicotine producing devices.

Policy Text

All tobacco and marijuana use including smoking, vaping, and use of Electronic Smoking Devices (ESDs) is prohibited from both the inside of university buildings and facilities to outdoor areas controlled by the University and within the campus footprint. This would include, but is not limited to, state-owned vehicles, parking lots, fields, sports/recreational areas, residence halls, and any other area designated college property.

Restrictions include, but are not limited to, tobacco, clove cigarettes, hookahs, marijuana, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vapor producing products and electronic smoking devices. (See tobacco definition for further details.)

The sale or free distribution of tobacco products, including merchandise, will be prohibited on campus or at school events. Student organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco or ESD producing companies, including:

  • Parties sponsored by tobacco companies or allowing tobacco companies to distribute free, reduced-price, or fully- priced tobacco products (t-shirts, hats, etc.) on campus;
  • All tobacco advertising, such as billboards and signs owned and used by СŷÊÓƵ; and
  • Parties producing Electronic Smoking Devices.

Tobacco and ESD advertisements are prohibited in college-run publications and on grounds or facilities, including athletic facilities, owned or used by СŷÊÓƵ.


The following activities will be implemented during the university’s efforts to become a 100 percent smoke- and tobacco-free campus:

  • The policy will be re-introduced to faculty, staff, and students in a university communication.
  • The policy will be available via the university website, and shared with university stakeholders including faculty, staff, students and visitors.   
  • The policy will be shared with human resources, procurement, and included in student handbooks.  Staff contracts and will be reviewed and updated as required.
  • Prospective employees will be informed of the policy during the interview process.
  • New students will be informed during Open House and New Student Orientation events.
  • Community groups, campus guests, vendors, and contractors that utilize campus resources will be informed of the policy via contractual arrangements.
  • Appropriate signage must be prominently displayed in public areas.
  • Smoking waste management products will be removed from all campus facilities prior to the Spring 2022 semester.

Continuing efforts and resources to support smoking cessation are available and can be found in the Appendix.


Violator Referred To Action
Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Supervisor Employee violations of the policy will be handled in accordance to СŷÊÓƵ personnel policies
Students Office of the Dean of Students

СŷÊÓƵ students, including resident students, who violate the smoke, tobacco, and vape-free policy, will be subject to the policies governing the Student Code of Conduct, through the Office of the Dean of Students

Additionally, student violators will be provided information on the consequences of tobacco use and referred to tobacco cessation programs.

Outside Contractors and Vendors Procurement Contractors and vendors who violate the policy will be asked to refrain while on University property or encouraged to leave the premises
Visitors Public Safety Visitors who violate the policy will be asked to refrain while on University property or encourage to leave the premises

Related Policies And Documents

  • Student Code of Conduct

American College Health Association website:

FDA related websites:

  • Sparks, M., Bell, R.A., Sparks, A., E.L. (2012). Creating a Healthier Campus: A Comprehensive Manual for Implementing Tobacco- Free Policies, Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest School of Medicine.
  • Tobacco-Free CUNY website:


All members of the СŷÊÓƵ community are responsible for observing the provisions of this policy and for reminding others respectfully of their responsibility to comply. Anyone who witnesses policy violations may inform the subject(s) of the smoke-free and tobacco-free policy and/or report the violation to Public Safety.

  • Human Resources
  • Dean of Students
  • Public Safety
  • Vice President of Student Affairs

Contact For Questions

Questions or concerns regarding the implementation of this policy should be referred to Human Resources, the Office of the Dean of Students, or Public Safety.


Due to the many noted health risks related to tobacco use, the university encourages students and staff who use tobacco products to quit. In our ongoing plan to assist in these efforts, СŷÊÓƵ works in tandem with appropriate health organizations that can provide the campus with information and access to support systems. Programs and services that encourage abstinence from using tobacco products and the availability of free, accessible tobacco cessation classes, seminars, and support groups on and off campus are also publicized. Future ex-smokers are also directed to healthcare providers and the employee assistance program as another form of assistance.

Proven resources designed to assist in the cessation of tobacco products appear below:

