ࡱ> MOL @'bjbj 4>bTTTTThhh84,hl1 '0000000,N36v1T///1TT&1/dTT0/06o-/O;ߛXO.0<10l1k.`v6v68/T////11///l1v6///////// :   General Guidelines for Search Committees for Deans and Other Senior Academic Administrators General Guidelines for Search Committees changed with the responsibilities of searching for deans and higher levels of academic administrators. These guidelines are subject to review and amendment and shall inform upcoming searches for the Deans of CAS and SOB. Composition of Committees The СŷƵ Senate shall elect faculty members. It is our understanding that such election shall take place at the first Senate meeting in September. Regardless, faculty representatives shall be selected by the Senate no later than the second meeting of the Senate in October 2015. For each Search Committee, membership shall be as follows: Five (5) faculty shall be from the colleges/schools where the Dean will serve; Three (3) faculty shall be elected at large from remaining schools/colleges (1 each); Two (2) staff or professional personnel; One (1) student; Up to three (3) appointments by the Provost or designee; The President or the Vice President of the Senate shall serve on either committee but not both committees simultaneously as full voting members. Each Committee shall have up to fifteen (15) members. All faculty and staff at СŷƵ shall be eligible to serve. The Senate shall have criteria for appointment and shall articulate such criteria. For example, a stated willingness to serve, commitment to attend all scheduled meetings, agreement to hold Committee deliberations in confidence, etc. The Committee shall elect a chair and/or co-chairs. Substitutions or permanent replacements for Committee members shall not be made unless approved by administrative and Senate elected representatives. The Committee, working with an outside search consultant, shall establish a meeting schedule. A majority of Search Committee members shall be present for each meeting. Failure to attend meetings may be reason for members to be asked to leave the Committee. In such case, a substitute may be named. The Search Process The Search committee working with the consultant shall develop the job description and criteria for selection. The advice of the Senate Executive Committee shall be sought and considered. Such advice on the job description and criteria shall be given in a reasonable and timely manner; within three weeks of such request. The Provost (Hiring Officer) shall make the decision to hire a Dean based on the job description and criteria developed. The Provost shall be consulted before the job description and criteria are finalized and may offer comments/suggestions which shall be considered by the Search Committee. A copy of these comments/suggestions, if made in writing, shall be forwarded to the Senate Executive Committee. The Search Committee, working with a consultant, shall adhere to the following guidelines: All members of the Search Committee shall agree to keep all deliberations and review of materials confidential. Any breach of confidentiality shall be deemed a violation of professional ethics. An individual(s) who breaches confidentiality may be asked to leave the Search Committee. The chairs of the Search Committee shall make this decision in consultation with committee members. The Search Committee shall keep a record of all deliberations, which shall be considered confidential, and shall be made available to the Hiring Officer and Search Committee upon request. The Search Committee shall, working with the consultant, decide who to extend invitations for on-campus or Skype interviews. The search committee may see all materials submitted by any applicant for the position. The Senate President or Vice President may provide a general status report concerning these searches to the Senate. Such report shall honor confidentiality of individuals, candidates and Committee deliberations. The Senate President or Vice President shall consult with the Search Committee about the status report before the report is given The search committee shall make a report to the President if requested to do so. Finalists shall reflect the job description and criteria for the position. The Search Committee may select up to five finalists who shall visit campus for at least one day. Finalists shall meet for at least one hour with the following constituencies when on campus (not in order of priority): Senate Executive Committee; One Public Meeting; Faculty from the respective school (individually or in groups); The President and Provost; Office of Provost Staff; Other administrators designated by the Provost; AFT representatives; Department chairs from the college/school. It is understood that the search consultant shall be responsible for managing the recruitment of candidates and shall assist the Committee in standard ways, providing services normally given by consultants in higher education. The Search Committee shall establish procedures for selecting finalists. Should the Committee not be able to agree upon a particular procedure or action, the search consultant shall be asked to provide a solution based on best practices in effect in comparable academic institutions. Up to five finalists shall be recommended to the Provost. The Provost shall normally select one of the five candidates unless the Provost does not agree any candidate is worthy. In such case, the search shall be reopened. Prior to reopening the search, the Provost shall meet with the Committee and provide reasonable explanation for the decision. The Committee, in making recommendations of up to five finalists to the Provost, shall provide the following information on each candidate in writing: Detailed strengths and weaknesses of finalist candidates; How finalist candidates meets established criteria for the position; It is understood that should the Committee not be able to agree upon finalists, a minority report may be included to the Provost. In such case, the minority report shall include its own responses to a) and b) above and shall state specifically why the majority report is not acceptable. All deliberations and written recommendations shall be considered confidential. General Guidelines The Search Committee shall reflect the diversity at СŷƵ, which shall include: gender, race, discipline/department and age. The Committee shall adhere to all AA/EEO guidelines in effect at СŷƵ. The Committee shall consult with a representative from the HR office on at least one occasion prior to interviewing candidates. The hiring official designated by the President shall be the Provost and Senior Vice President. The Search Committee shall conduct its affairs expeditiously and it is expected that new candidates shall be offered the position as of July 1, 2016. It is understood the Provost and President of the Senate shall make regular reports to the Senate. Such reports shall honor confidentiality (names of candidates, deliberations of Committee, etc.). The Senate President or Vice President shall consult with the Committee prior to making any public announcement written or otherwise. In cases where an СŷƵ employee may have concerns or objections to what they may perceive to be unfair or arbitrary decisions of the Search Committee, the following procedure shall apply: Such concerns shall be reduced to writing and be submitted within one (1) week following the time or date an СŷƵ employee could have reasonably known that an inappropriate action or decision was made; Such objection or concern shall provide the reasons for objection and/or concern shall be considered strictly confidential and shall be considered by the Committee. A response shall be made to the individual voicing the concern. Failure to follow the above procedure by an employee making a claim as discussed here, shall result in releasing the committee from considering such objection or concern. 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