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The University Senate Committee on Faculty and Professional Staff Affairs shall have one semester to act upon any nomination. Should the committee not take any action, regardless of whether an extension is granted, the nomination shall not go forward. In any event, a nomination may not remain active beyond two semesters. Based on the criteria outlined below, the University Senate Committee on Faculty and Professional Staff Affairs will examine and evaluate evidence and credentials of all candidates and will forward names, both of nominees who were recommended and those who were not, plus a brief rationale for each decision of the committee, to the provost by April 1st of the year in which the award is to be granted. The provost will forward, within twenty days, a list of recommended nominees to the president of the university for final consideration. The president of СŷƵ (СŷƵ) shall present the successful nominees to the Board of Trustees (BOT) for their consideration and approval, no later than the last BOT meeting of the current academic year. Award(s) of emeritus status and/or the Distinguished Service Award shall be announced at convocation in the same year in which the individual receives the award. The president of the University Senate shall be kept informed of the selection and recommendations of all candidates. CRITERIAEMERITUS STATUS The status of emeritus may be conferred upon officially retired members of the university community who have held the academic rank Professor for no less than three years prior to retirement. This requirement holds for faculty members as well as for deans, vice presidents, provosts, or the president. A faculty member to be designated emeritus must have demonstrated commitment to the university, its mission and its students. He/she must have achieved distinction as a teacher and scholar and must have made significant contributions to the university and community. He/she shall demonstrate evidence of continuity in contributions to the field of his/her research, to teaching, and to the university and community. A dean, vice president, provost, or president to be designated as emeritus shall follow the criteria above and also have a record of outstanding leadership at the university. PRIVILEGES EMERITUS STATUS Privileges for persons with emeritus status shall be as follows: Retention of their СŷƵ email address; Listing as Professor Emeritus/Emerita on the website for their department; Full access to the Guarini Library; Yearly invitation to Convocation and Graduation, with the possibility of gown rental. CRITERIADISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD The Distinguished Service Award may be presented to meritorious officially retired members of the university community who have demonstrated a high level of performance, service, and professional activity and who have made significant contributions to the university and community. Nominations for Emeritus Faculty Status The Senate solicits nominations from the university community (from faculty, staff, administrators, students, and alumni) for emeritus status. All nominations must provide the following: A nomination letter providing evidence as to why the nominee is deserving of the status. A current rsum or curriculum vitae listing all past and present accomplishments of the nominee in the areas of service (university or community service), membership or leadership in organizations, academic programs, departmental duties, awards, grants, and fellowships. The rsum should list as well past and present professional, scholarly or creative accomplishments, publications, expositions, presentations, and other academic or artistic performances. A minimum of three letters of support from other past or current university employees that provide demonstrated evidence of teaching, scholarship, and service. These letters can come from the nominees former departmental colleagues, other faculty, staff, professional associates, and administrators. Those officially retired nominees who have remained active in their fields of study and community organizations and have participated in life-long learning, service, or creativity will be considered most qualified for emeritus faculty status. The nomination letter, rsum, and three letters of support for emeritus status should be submitted by January 30th to the Senate office. Nominations for Distinguished Service Award The Senate solicits nominations from the university community (from faculty, staff, administrators, students, and alumni) for the Distinguished Service Award. All nominations must provide the following: A nomination letter providing evidence as to why the nominee is deserving of the status. A current rsum or curriculum vitae listing all past and present accomplishments of the nominee. A minimum of three letters of support from other past or current university employees that provide demonstrated evidence of accomplishments. The nomination letter, rsum, and three letters of support for the Distinguished Service Award should be submitted by January 30th to the Senate office. For inquiries concerning nominations for emeritus status or for the Distinguished Service Award, please email the Senate office.      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