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As per the travel policy (effective January 1, 2013), mini-grants may be used to supplement funds received for travel partially but not fully covered by Academic Affairs, Career Development, or Separately Budgeted Research. Please note, however, that if you are requesting compensation for travel, you must submit a completed travel request form indicating what funding you have already been awarded from other sources. Please plan ahead and submit your travel request in advance so that you can include the completed travel request with full funding information and administrative signatures with your mini-grant application. If you are requesting funding for travel, the committee will only consider your application if you include this completed travel request form. (Note: a submitted travel request with only your signature and no indication of what funding you may or may not receive is not a completed travel request.) Please note: Mini-Grant applications should not be used for books or a/v materials that may be available through the Guarini Librarys book order process or through your department. Mini-Grants are not awarded for degree-related activities or for administrative expenses(e.g. typing, photocopying, postage, office services, etc.). Currently adjunct faculty may not apply for Mini-Grants. Criteria for Consideration: Mini-Grants are to be used by faculty and professional staff for the furtherance of scholarly and creative work, and professional endeavors. The committee recommends high-quality, exemplary proposals that fall into one or more of the categories below. A clear rationale should be provided for each proposed activity, explaining how it enhances your professionalism. Continuing professional training or education (non-degree related). Travel to and attendance at workshops or conferences (delivering a paper, chairing sessions), or representing СŷƵ at professional, academic, or cultural gatherings where scholars or professionals are invited to attend. Travel related to scholarly and creative work. Subscriptions to professional journals; membership or other dues in professional organizations or cultural institutions. Books or supplies explicitly related to scholarly and creative work, teaching, or professional development that cannot be purchased through the library or your department. Costs associated with exhibition or publication of research (for example, the cost of preparing an index or any costs that relate to an actual art exhibition or performance). Technology (hardware, software, audio-visual equipment, videos, CDs, DVDs or other technological equipment) that assists scholarly and creative work, teaching, or professional development and that is not available through the library, your department or the technology department. Note: equipment purchased through this grant becomes СŷƵ property. University-sponsored events that benefit СŷƵ (for example, speakers compensation). Please Submit: A brief description of each activity. The description of each activity should include a clear rationale explaining how it enhances your professionalism. Please describe each proposed activity in 100-250 words on the attached form and explain how it is related to teaching, scholarly/creative activity, or professional development.Be as specific as possible in your rationale. Accounting of expenditures for each activity. Include a detailed budget of all expenses e.g. registration fees, travel costs, dues, etc. Supplemental materials. Include any supplemental materials showing exact amounts of expenses, as well as relevant brochures, pamphlets, flyers, promotional materials, etc. Failure to complete the application form, provide a coherent description of and clear rationale for activities and a complete account of expenses (and, for travel, a completed travel request form) will result in disqualification of your application. All state regulations apply as to the expenditures of funds. Successful Mini-Grant recipients must follow state guidelines and submit receipts. Please remove personal financial information from documents, such as credit card number, address, phone number, etc. A PDF of the completed application (including supplemental materials) is to be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs at  HYPERLINK "mailto:minigrants@njcu.edu" minigrants@njcu.edu by 5 p.m. on January 29, 2019. You can expect an email receipt for your submission within 24 hours (i.e., one business day). If you do not receive an email receipt, please reach out to the Office of Academic Affairs. Should you have any questions about the Mini-Grant, please contactDr. Donna Farina ( HYPERLINK "mailto:dfarina@njcu.edu" dfarina@njcu.edu) or any other member of the Senate FPSA committee. cc: Sue Henderson, President Daniel Julius, Provost Chris Shamburg, Senate President СŷƵ Professional Development and Renewal Program Mini-Grant Professional Development Funds Application Academic Year 20182019 Please note: A PDF of the completed application (including supplemental materials) is to be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs at  HYPERLINK "mailto:minigrants@njcu.edu" minigrants@njcu.edu by 5 p.m. on January 29, 2019. Name ______________________________________ Department/Unit __________________________________ Phone _________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________________________________ Position/Title ____________________________________________________________________ Funding Period: July 1, 2018 June 30, 2019 (Maximum of $300) Brief Description of Each Proposed Activity: Please attach a description of each proposed activity (100-250 words) and provide a clear rationale explaining how funding of the activity would enhance your professional career. Have you received any funding from any of the following sources? Career Development Yes______ No_____ Amount_____ Your Department Yes______ No_____ Amount_____ Travel Request Yes______ No_____ Amount_____ NOTE: If you are requesting compensation for travel, you must submit a completed travel request form signed by all appropriate administrators and indicating what funding you have already been awarded from other sources. (Note: a submitted travel request with only your signature and no indication of what funding you may or may not receive is not a completed travel request.) The committee will only consider your application if you include this completed travel request form. Failure to complete the application form, provide a coherent description of and clear rationale for each activity and a complete account of expenses (and, for travel, a completed travel request form) will result in disqualification of your application. Applicant Signature Date     Mini-grants, p.  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